path: root/instrument.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'instrument.c')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/instrument.c b/instrument.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb2f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/instrument.c
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#include "instrument.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* A hard limit */
+#define REVERB_MAX 0
+/* This is not exposed to other files, as this should be controlled by
+ individual instruments. */
+typedef struct {
+ float freq;
+ float amp;
+ unsigned char pred; /* if this is 0, then no frequency
+ modulation is present. */
+} FM;
+/* By similar reasoning, ADSR is not exposed either. */
+typedef struct {
+ float attack_p;
+ float decay_p;
+ float sustain_p;
+ float release_p;
+ float sustain_level;
+ unsigned char pred; /* If this is 0 then the instrument
+ does not adapt the ADSR model. */
+} ADSR;
+/* NOTE: The default method for an instrument to produce sounds is in
+ accordance with its FM, ADSR, and Fourier coefficients. But
+ individual instruments can override that default method by
+ providing their own functions. This way we would have more
+ flexibility. */
+struct Instrument_s {
+ float *sin_coefs; /* coefficients of sin in the Fourier
+ expansion. */
+ float *cos_coefs; /* coefficients of cos in the Fourier
+ expansion. */
+ sound_t sound; /* the function to produce sounds. */
+ merger_t merger; /* the function to merge waves. */
+ float reverb; /* The percentage of reverberation. */
+ FM fm;
+ ADSR adsr;
+make_sound(Instrument * in, Volume v, Hertz h, Seconds s)
+ return in->sound(in, v, h, s);
+merge_waves(Instrument *in, WaveFrag *frags, LENT len, int step)
+ return in->merger(in, frags, len, step);
+/* Now comes various instruments */
+/* The first is piano */
+static float
+smooth_step(float t)
+ if (t <= 0.0f) {
+ return 0.0f;
+ } else if (t >= 1.0f) {
+ return 1.0f;
+ } else {
+ return 6*pow(t, 5)-15*pow(t, 4)+10*pow(t, 3);
+ }
+static float
+old_piano_sound_internal(Instrument *piano, float theta)
+ return sin(theta)+1.869*sin(2.0f*theta)+0.042f*sin(3.0f*theta)
+ +0.022f*sin(4.0f*theta)+cos(theta);
+static float
+piano_sound_internal(Instrument *piano, float theta)
+ return (*(piano->sin_coefs) * sin(theta)+
+ *(piano->sin_coefs+1) * sin(2.0f*theta)+
+ *(piano->sin_coefs+2) * sin(3.0f*theta))*
+ exp(-0.004f*theta);
+piano_sound(void * in, Volume v, Hertz h, Seconds s)
+ Instrument *piano = (Instrument *)in;
+ float step = (float) (h * 2 * M_PI) / SAMPLE_RATE;
+ LENT sample_num = (LENT) floor(SAMPLE_RATE * s);
+ Wave w = MYALLOC(Pulse, sizeof(*w) * sample_num);
+ float theta = 0.0f, temp = 0.0f;
+ for (LENT i = 0; i < sample_num; i++, theta += step) {
+ temp = piano_sound_internal(piano, theta);
+ temp += temp*temp*temp;
+ *(w+i) = (float) v * piano_sound_internal(piano, temp);
+ }
+ return (WaveFrag) { w, sample_num };
+/* Just concatenates waves together. */
+simple_merger(void *in, WaveFrag *frags, LENT len, int step)
+ WaveFrag wf;
+ LENT total_len = 0;
+ for (LENT i = 0; i < len; i += step)
+ total_len += (frags+i)->n;
+ wf.n = total_len;
+ wf.w = MYALLOC(Pulse, total_len);
+ for (LENT i = 0, counter = 0, local = 0;
+ i < len && counter < total_len;
+ i += step) {
+ local = (frags+i)->n;
+ for (LENT j = 0; j < local;)
+ *(wf.w+counter++) = *((frags+i)->w+j++);
+ free((frags+i)->w);
+ }
+ free(frags);
+ return wf;
+Instrument *make_piano()
+ Instrument *ins = malloc(sizeof *ins * 1);
+ /* The piano's sound is simulated directly by some coefficients. */
+ ins->fm.pred = 0;
+ ins->adsr.pred = 0;
+ ins->sin_coefs = malloc(sizeof(*(ins->sin_coefs)) * 3);
+ ins->cos_coefs = malloc(sizeof(*(ins->cos_coefs)) * 1);
+ ins->reverb = 0.0f;
+ *(ins->sin_coefs) = 0.65f;
+ *(ins->sin_coefs+1) = 0.45f;
+ *(ins->sin_coefs+2) = 0.1f;
+ *(ins->cos_coefs) = 1;
+ ins->sound = piano_sound;
+ ins->merger = simple_merger;
+ return ins;
+destroy_piano(Instrument *in)
+ free(in->sin_coefs);
+ free(in->cos_coefs);
+ free(in);
+/* Then comes violin */
+violin_sound_internal(Instrument *in, float theta)
+ /* return -1.0f*fmod(theta, 2.0f*M_PI)/M_PI + 1.0f; */
+ /* return (*(in->sin_coefs)*sin(theta)+
+ * *(in->sin_coefs+1)*sin(2.0f*theta)+
+ * *(in->sin_coefs+2)*sin(3.0f*theta)+
+ * *(in->sin_coefs+3)*sin(4.0f*theta)+
+ * *(in->sin_coefs+4)*sin(5.0f*theta)); */
+ Pulse result = 0.0f;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
+ result += *(in->sin_coefs+i) * sin((float) (i+1)*theta);
+ /* result = sin(theta); */
+ return result;
+violin_sound(void * in, Volume v, Hertz h, Seconds s)
+ Instrument *violin = (Instrument *)in;
+ /* We produce a little more samples so that we can create the effect
+ of reverberation later on. */
+ s *= (1.0f+violin->reverb);
+ float step = (float) (h * 2 * M_PI) / SAMPLE_RATE;
+ LENT sample_num = (LENT) floor(SAMPLE_RATE * s);
+ float attack_step = 1.0f / (float) (sample_num * violin->adsr.attack_p);
+ float decay_step = 1.0f / (float) (sample_num * violin->adsr.decay_p);
+ float sustain_step = 1.0f / (float) (sample_num * violin->adsr.sustain_p);
+ float release_step = 1.0f / (float) (sample_num * violin->adsr.release_p);
+ Wave w = MYALLOC(Pulse, sizeof(*w) * sample_num);
+ float theta = 0.0f, temp = 0.0f, adsrcounter = 0.0f;
+ unsigned char phase = 0, sustain_flag = 0;
+ for (LENT i = 0; i < sample_num; i++, theta += step) {
+ temp = violin_sound_internal(violin, theta);
+ /* temp += temp*temp*temp; */
+ /* *(w+i) = (float) v * temp * ((sustain_flag) ? SUSTAIN_LEVEL : adsrcounter); */
+ *(w+i) = (float) v * temp;
+ switch (phase) {
+ case 0: /* attack phase */
+ adsrcounter += attack_step;
+ if (adsrcounter >= 1.0f) {
+ adsrcounter = 1.0f;
+ phase++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: /* decay phase */
+ adsrcounter -= decay_step;
+ if (adsrcounter <= SUSTAIN_LEVEL) {
+ adsrcounter = 0.0f;
+ sustain_flag = 1;
+ phase++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: /* sustain phase */
+ adsrcounter += sustain_step;
+ if (adsrcounter >= 1.0f) {
+ adsrcounter = SUSTAIN_LEVEL;
+ sustain_flag = 0;
+ phase++;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* release phase */
+ adsrcounter -= release_step;
+ if (adsrcounter <= 0.0f) adsrcounter = 0.0f;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (WaveFrag) { w, sample_num };
+violin_merger(void *in, WaveFrag *frags, LENT len, int step)
+ Instrument *violin = (Instrument*) in;
+ WaveFrag wf, local_last_wave = (WaveFrag) { NULL, 0 };
+ WaveFrag local_current_wave = (WaveFrag) { NULL, 0 };
+ WaveFrag local_mix_wave, local_mix_input[2];
+ LENT total_len = 0;
+ float reverb_ratio = 1.0f / (1.0f + violin->reverb);
+ for (LENT i = 0; i < len; i += step)
+ total_len += (LENT) ((frags+i)->n * reverb_ratio);
+ wf.n = total_len;
+ wf.w = MYALLOC(Pulse, total_len);
+ for (LENT i = 0, counter = 0, local = 0, local_last = 0;
+ i < len && counter < total_len;
+ i += step) {
+ /* The last fragment that we want to mix. */
+ local_last = (!i) ? 0 : (frags+i-1)->n - local;
+ local = (LENT) ((frags+i)->n * reverb_ratio);
+ /* Make sure everything stays within bounds. */
+ local_last = min(local_last, local);
+ local_last = min(local_last, REVERB_MAX);
+ if (local_last && i) {
+ /* If we reach here then i > 0. */
+ local_last_wave.n = local_last;
+ local_last_wave.w = realloc(local_last_wave.w,
+ sizeof(Pulse) * local_last);
+ local_current_wave.n = local_last;
+ local_current_wave.w = realloc(local_current_wave.w,
+ sizeof(Pulse) * local_last);
+ for (LENT j = 0; j < local_last; j++) {
+ *(local_last_wave.w+j) =
+ *((frags+i-1)->w+(frags+i-1)->n-local_last+j);
+ *(local_current_wave.w+j) = *((frags+i)->w+j);
+ }
+ local_mix_input[0] = local_last_wave;
+ local_mix_input[1] = local_current_wave;
+ local_mix_wave = mix_waves(local_mix_input, 2);
+ for (LENT j = 0; j < local_last;)
+ *(wf.w+counter++) = *(local_mix_wave.w+j++);
+ free(local_mix_wave.w);
+ for (LENT j = local_last; j < local;)
+ *(wf.w+counter++) = *((frags+i)->w+j++);
+ } else {
+ for (LENT j = 0; j < local;)
+ *(wf.w+counter++) = *((frags+i)->w+j++);
+ }
+ free((frags+i)->w);
+ }
+ free(local_last_wave.w);
+ free(local_current_wave.w);
+ free(frags);
+ return wf;
+Instrument *
+ Instrument * violin= malloc(sizeof *violin);
+ violin->fm.pred = 0;
+ violin->adsr.pred = 1;
+ violin->reverb = 0.01f;
+ violin->adsr.attack_p = 0.55;
+ violin->adsr.release_p = 0.25;
+ violin->adsr.decay_p = 0.05;
+ violin->adsr.sustain_p = max(1.0f - (violin->adsr.attack_p+
+ violin->adsr.decay_p+
+ violin->adsr.release_p),
+ 0.0f);
+ violin->adsr.sustain_level = 0.9;
+ double temp [] = {
+ 1.0, 0.399064778, 0.229404484, 0.151836061,
+ 0.196754229, 0.093742264, 0.060871957,
+ 0.138605419, 0.010535002, 0.071021868,
+ 0.029954614, 0.051299684, 0.055948288,
+ 0.066208224, 0.010067391, 0.00753679,
+ 0.008196947, 0.012955577, 0.007316738,
+ 0.006216476, 0.005116215, 0.006243983,
+ 0.002860679, 0.002558108, 0.0, 0.001650392
+ };
+ violin->sin_coefs = malloc(sizeof(float)*26);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
+ *(violin->sin_coefs+i) = *(temp+i);
+ /* *(violin->sin_coefs) = 1.0f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+1) = 0.41f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+2) = 0.35f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+3) = 0.39f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+4) = 0.45f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+5) = 0.35f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+6) = 0.5f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+7) = 0.4f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+8) = 0.35f;
+ * *(violin->sin_coefs+9) = 0.1f; */
+ violin->sound = violin_sound;
+ violin->merger = simple_merger;
+ return violin;
+destroy_violin(Instrument *in)
+ free(in->sin_coefs);
+ free(in);