path: root/repcore/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'repcore/src/')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/repcore/src/ b/repcore/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13c2ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repcore/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#+TITLE: Plan of the package
+#+AUTHOR: Durand
+#+DATE: <2022-11-18 Ven 19:57>
+* Atomic Languages
+This describes the behaviours of atomic languages. The atomic
+language consists of the null closure of any non-terminal symbol in
+the grammar, and their deriavtives by terminals and non-terminal.
+* Derivative Languages
+This is the main driving device of the algorithm. Basically, the
+algorithm works by taking successive derivatives, according to the
+input symbol. At each step, we calculate the derivative language. In
+this process, we also compute some semiring value and store in a
+carrier. The end result of the algorithm is the final semiring
+If one wants simply to determine if the input string belongs to the
+grammar, one chooses the semiring to be the field with two elements,
+the boolean field. If one wants to find how many ways are there to
+derive a given input string, then one uses the semiring of natural
+numbers instead. If one wants, moreover, to find all the possible
+ways to derive a particular input string, then one can use the
+free semiring on the set of terminals and non-terminals of the
+grammar. Here the free semiring is the left-adjoint functor to the
+forgetful functor from the category of semirings to the category of
+To be more specific, the free semiring on a set is given by sets of
+sequences of elements in the set. The addition of the semiring is the
+set union operation, and the multiplication is taking the respective
+** Semirings
+So we need a module to define the behaviours of semirings, and provide
+some common semirings implementations. Then in the main driving force
+we can freely substitute different semirings, according to the
+particular needs.
+** Languages
+Then the main part is to define the behaviour of languages. This
+should be easy enough, since we already have the mechanism of graphs,
+nondeterministic automata, and semirings. All we need to do is to
+combine them together.
+* Testing ground
+I am in a strong need to test things out. The most important one is
+to visualize each step of the derivation, in a human-friendly manner.
+I need this to examine whether my atomic languages are wrongly
+implemented, or my atomic languages are wrongly derived, or my
+understanding of the main algorithm is plain wrong.
+This is the main reason I started this rewrite of the package.