diff options
4 files changed, 206 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/init.el b/init.el
index db95561..49876aa 100644
--- a/init.el
+++ b/init.el
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ no effect."
(prepare-in-hook-once prepare-elisp emacs-lisp-mode-hook "elisp.el")
+(prepare-in-hook-once prepare-skeleton emacs-lisp-mode-hook "skeleton-conf.el")
(prepare-in-hook-once prepare-org org-mode-hook "org-conf.el")
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'prepare-org)
@@ -267,6 +269,8 @@ no effect."
(list (read-string prompt nil 'eww-prompt-history uris)
(prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))))
+(define-key global-map (vector 3 ?v ?w) #'eww)
;;; Viewing things
(load-config "view-conf.el")
diff --git a/skeleton-conf.el b/skeleton-conf.el
index a1dfaaf..6c6bcd0 100644
--- a/skeleton-conf.el
+++ b/skeleton-conf.el
@@ -35,5 +35,88 @@
+(define-skeleton insert-defun "Insert a defun statement."
+ "defun"
+ "(defun "
+ '(recursive-edit)
+ " ("
+ '(recursive-edit)
+ ")"
+ \n
+ (cond ((y-or-n-p "interactive?")
+ "(interactive)"))
+ & ?\n
+ > _ ")")
+(define-skeleton insert-tex "Insert a LaTeX skeleton."
+ "LaTeX"
+ "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}
+\\usepackage{amsfonts, amsthm}
+ (let ((author (read-string "Author: " "Durand")))
+ (cond ((string-empty-p author)
+ (prog1 "\\vspace{-1ex}"
+ (setq v1 "")))
+ ((setq v1 author))))
+ "}\n"
+ "\\date{"
+ (let ((date (read-string
+ "Date: "
+ (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))))
+ (cond ((string-empty-p date)
+ "\\vspace{-1ex}")
+ (date)))
+ "}\n"
+ "\\title{\\vspace{-5ex}"
+ (setq v2 (read-string "Title: ")) "}\n"
+ "\\hypersetup{\n"
+ " pdfauthor={" v1 "},\n"
+ " pdftitle={" v2 "},\n"
+ " pdfkeywords={},\n"
+ " pdfsubject={},\n"
+ " pdfcreator={" v1 "},\n"
+ " pdflang={English}}\n\n"
+ "\\newtheorem{lem}{Lemma}[section]
+ > _
+ "\n\\end{document}")
+(cond ((assoc 'latex-mode auto-insert-alist)
+ (setcdr (assoc 'latex-mode auto-insert-alist)
+ #'insert-tex))
+ ((add-to-list 'auto-insert-alist
+ (cons 'latex-mode #'insert-tex))))
(provide 'skeleton-conf)
;;; skeleton-conf.el ends here
diff --git a/tex-conf.el b/tex-conf.el
index 45fd210..4c5211d 100644
--- a/tex-conf.el
+++ b/tex-conf.el
@@ -30,6 +30,121 @@
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
+(setq TeX-view-program-selection
+ '((output-dvi "open")
+ (output-pdf "PDF Tools")
+ (output-html "open")))
+;; I don't want to split the screen.
+(defun durand-TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view-a ()
+ "Advice to `TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view', which won't pop buffers."
+ (unless (fboundp 'pdf-tools-install)
+ (error "PDF Tools are not available"))
+ (unless TeX-PDF-mode
+ (error "PDF Tools only work with PDF output"))
+ (add-hook 'pdf-sync-backward-redirect-functions
+ #'TeX-source-correlate-handle-TeX-region)
+ (if (and TeX-source-correlate-mode
+ (fboundp 'pdf-sync-forward-search))
+ (with-current-buffer (or (when TeX-current-process-region-p
+ (get-file-buffer (TeX-region-file t)))
+ (current-buffer))
+ (pdf-sync-forward-search))
+ (let ((pdf (TeX-active-master (TeX-output-extension))))
+ (switch-to-buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting pdf)
+ (find-file-noselect pdf))))))
+(advice-add #'TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view :override
+ #'durand-TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view-a)
+;;; Dollars
+(setq TeX-electric-math (cons "\\(" "\\)"))
+(define-key LaTeX-mode-map (vector ?\§) #'durand-insert-escape)
+(defun durand-insert-escape ()
+ "Insert an escape character."
+ (interactive)
+ (insert "\\"))
+;;; Expansions
+(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'LaTeX-math-mode)
+(define-key LaTeX-math-mode-map (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix) t)
+(set-default 'LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix "ù")
+(define-key LaTeX-math-mode-map
+ (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix) LaTeX-math-keymap)
+(cond ((boundp 'LaTeX-math-keymap))
+ ((defvar LaTeX-math-keymap)))
+(define-key LaTeX-math-keymap [?$] 'durand-insert-display-equation)
+(define-key LaTeX-math-keymap [?o] 'durand-insert-o-things)
+(setq LaTeX-math-list '((?$ durand-insert-display-equation)
+ (?o durand-insert-o-things)))
+(defun durand-insert-display-equation ()
+ "Insert display equation symbols."
+ (interactive)
+ (insert "\\[\\]")
+ (goto-char (- (point) 2)))
+(defvar durand-o-things-list nil
+ "A list of things associated with the \"o\" key.
+Each entry should have the form (key . macro),
+where the macro part is without the backslash.")
+(setq durand-o-things-list
+ (list
+ (cons "x" "otimes")
+ (cons "s" "sum")
+ (cons "p" "prod")
+ (cons "+" "oplus")
+ (cons "o" "circ")
+ (list "{" "{" "}")))
+(defun durand-insert-o-things ()
+ "Insert a symbol associated with \"o\" key.
+The list is in the variable `durand-o-things-list'"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((thing (minibuffer-with-setup-hook 'durand-headlong-minibuffer-setup-hook
+ (completing-read
+ "Chois une chose associée à \"o\":" (mapcar 'car durand-o-things-list)
+ nil t "^"))))
+ (let ((associated (alist-get thing durand-o-things-list nil nil #'string=)))
+ (cond
+ ((not (consp associated))
+ ;; length = 1
+ (insert (format "\\%s" (assoc-default thing durand-o-things-list #'string=))))
+ ((null (cddr associated))
+ ;; length = 2
+ (insert (format "\\left\\%s" (car associated)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert
+ (format "\\right\\%s" (cadr associated)))))
+ (t
+ (user-error "Weird associated: %S" associated))))))
+;; Automatic braces
+(setq TeX-electric-sub-and-superscript t)
;;; If I need to type nested documents frequently, the following will
;;; come in handy.
diff --git a/view-conf.el b/view-conf.el
index 9d1ea5f..f41a6d1 100644
--- a/view-conf.el
+++ b/view-conf.el
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ If ARG is '(16), view the battery information."
(define-key map (vector ?e) #'eshell)
(define-key map (vector ?p) #'durand-chercher-pdf)
(define-key map (vector ?o) #'olivetti-mode)
+ (define-key map (vector ?c) #'calendar)
(define-key map (vector ?r) #'choose-recent-file)
"The keymap that is related to my custom functions about viewing.")
@@ -339,13 +340,14 @@ If ARG is non-nil, do the same for Bluetooth."
(define-minor-mode durand-focus
- "Focus mode." nil "Foc" nil
+ "Focus mode." nil " Foc" nil
(setq olivetti-body-width 65)
(olivetti-mode 1)
(text-scale-increase 2)
- (variable-pitch-mode 1))
+ (variable-pitch-mode 1)
+ (cond (current-prefix-arg (view-mode 1))))
((setq olivetti-body-width 80)
(variable-pitch-mode -1)
(view-mode -1)