path: root/org-pdftools.el
diff options
authorJSDurand <>2021-01-09 14:22:00 +0800
committerJSDurand <>2021-01-09 14:22:00 +0800
commitdc206ebe9397d656971ba7fc3a092009ef4e797a (patch)
treed963873011122fdf0eafeba89afd487115994bc5 /org-pdftools.el
parenta2f7f2bf9077ba8acfc550575b9e21aa9ffe7bae (diff)
temporary state
Diffstat (limited to 'org-pdftools.el')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org-pdftools.el b/org-pdftools.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9189803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-pdftools.el
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+;;; org-pdftools.el --- Support for links to documents in pdfview mode -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 Alexander Fu Xi
+;; Author: Alexander Fu Xi <>
+;; Maintainer: Alexander Fu Xi <>
+;; Homepage:
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (org "9.3.6") (pdf-tools "0.8") (org-noter "1.4.1"))
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Add support for org links from pdftools buffers with more precise location control.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'subr-x)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'org)
+(require 'org-refile nil t)
+;; (require 'org-noter)
+(load-config "pdf.el")
+(require 'pdf-tools)
+(require 'pdf-view)
+(require 'pdf-annot)
+(require 'pdf-occur)
+(defgroup org-pdftools nil
+ "Tools for adding pdftools link support in Org mode."
+ :group 'tools)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-get-desc-function #'org-pdftools-get-desc-default
+ "A function that takes 3 arguments and output a link description.
+- `file': basename of the PDF file
+- `page': current page number converted to string
+- `text' (should have optional tag): additional text infomation like highlighted text or isearch string.
+See `org-pdftools-get-desc-default' as an example."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'function)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-path-generator #'abbreviate-file-name
+"Translate your PDF file path the way you like. Take buffer-file-name as the argument."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'function)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-path-resolver #'expand-file-name
+"Resolve your translated PDF file path back to an absolute path."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'function)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-open-custom-open nil
+ "Custom function to open linked pdf files."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type '(choice function nil))
+(defcustom org-pdftools-export-style 'pdftools
+ "Export style of org-pdftools links.
+- pdftools :: export the link as is
+- protocol :: export the link as a org-protocal link such that it could open pdf-tools when clicked
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'symbol)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-markup-pointer-function 'pdf-annot-add-underline-markup-annotation
+ "Color for markup pointer annotations.
+Can be one of highlight/underline/strikeout/squiggly."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'function)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-markup-pointer-color "#A9A9A9"
+ "Color for markup pointer annotations."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-markup-pointer-opacity 1.0
+ "Opacity for markup pointer annotations."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'float)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-free-pointer-icon "Circle"
+ "Color for free pointer annotations. Refer to `pdf-annot-standard-text-icons`."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-link-prefix "pdf"
+ "Prefix for org-pdftools link"
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-search-string-separator "??"
+ "Separator of search-string."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-free-pointer-color "#FFFFFF"
+ "Color for free pointer annotations."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-pdftools-free-pointer-opacity 1.0
+ "Opacity for free pointer annotations."
+ :group 'org-pdftools
+ :type 'float)
+;; pdf://path::page++height_percent;;annot_id??isearch_string or @@occur_search_string
+(defun org-pdftools-open-pdftools (link)
+ "Internal function to open org-pdftools LINK."
+ (let ((link-regexp
+ (concat "\\(.*\\)::\\([0-9]*\\)\\(\\+\\+\\)?\\([[0-9]\\.*[0-9]*\\)?\\(;;\\|"
+ (regexp-quote org-pdftools-search-string-separator)
+ "\\)?\\(.*\\)")))
+ (cond ((string-match link-regexp link)
+ (let ((path (match-string 1 link))
+ (page (match-string 2 link))
+ (height (match-string 4 link))
+ annot-id
+ search-string)
+ (cond ((string-equal
+ (match-string 5 link)
+ ";;")
+ (setq annot-id
+ (match-string 6 link)))
+ ((string-equal
+ (match-string 5 link)
+ org-pdftools-search-string-separator)
+ (setq search-string
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "%20"
+ " "
+ (match-string 6 link)))))
+ (when (and path
+ (not (string-empty-p path)))
+ (if (bound-and-true-p org-noter--session)
+ (org-noter--with-valid-session
+ (let ((doc (with-selected-window
+ (org-noter--get-doc-window)
+ buffer-file-name))
+ (fullpath (funcall org-pdftools-path-resolver path)))
+ (if (string-equal doc fullpath)
+ (select-window
+ (org-noter--get-doc-window))
+ (let ((org-link-frame-setup
+ (cl-acons 'file 'find-file-other-frame org-link-frame-setup)))
+ (org-open-file fullpath 1)))))
+ (org-open-file (funcall org-pdftools-path-resolver path) 1)))
+ (if (and page
+ (not (string-empty-p page)))
+ (progn
+ (setq page (string-to-number page))
+ (if (bound-and-true-p org-noter--session)
+ (org-noter--with-valid-session
+ (with-selected-window
+ (org-noter--get-doc-window)
+ (pdf-view-goto-page page)))
+ (pdf-view-goto-page page)))
+ (setq page nil))
+ (when (and height
+ (not (string-empty-p height)))
+ (if (bound-and-true-p org-noter--session)
+ (org-noter--with-valid-session
+ (with-selected-window
+ (org-noter--get-doc-window)
+ (image-set-window-vscroll
+ (round
+ (/
+ (*
+ (string-to-number height)
+ (cdr (pdf-view-image-size)))
+ (frame-char-height))))))
+ (image-set-window-vscroll
+ (round
+ (/
+ (*
+ (string-to-number height)
+ (cdr (pdf-view-image-size)))
+ (frame-char-height))))))
+ (when (and annot-id
+ (not (string-empty-p annot-id)))
+ (if (bound-and-true-p org-noter--session)
+ (org-noter--with-valid-session
+ (with-selected-window
+ (org-noter--get-doc-window)
+ (pdf-annot-show-annotation
+ (pdf-info-getannot annot-id)
+ t)))
+ (pdf-annot-show-annotation
+ (pdf-info-getannot annot-id)
+ t)))
+ (when (and search-string
+ (not (string-empty-p search-string)))
+ (if (bound-and-true-p org-noter--session)
+ (org-noter--with-valid-session
+ (with-selected-window
+ (org-noter--get-doc-window)
+ (isearch-mode t)
+ (isearch-yank-string search-string)))
+ (isearch-mode t)
+ (isearch-yank-string search-string)))))
+ ((string-match
+ "\\(.*\\)@@\\(.*\\)"
+ link)
+ (let* ((paths (match-string 1 link))
+ (occur-search-string (match-string 2 link))
+ (pathlist (split-string paths "%&%")))
+ (pdf-occur-search
+ pathlist
+ occur-search-string)))
+ ((org-open-file link 1)))))
+(defun org-pdftools-get-link ()
+ "Get link from the active pdf buffer."
+ (let* ((path
+ (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+ (funcall org-pdftools-path-generator (buffer-file-name))))
+ (page (pdf-view-current-page))
+ (annot-id (if (pdf-view-active-region-p)
+ (pdf-annot-get-id
+ (funcall
+ org-pdftools-markup-pointer-function
+ (pdf-view-active-region t)
+ org-pdftools-markup-pointer-color
+ `((opacity . ,org-pdftools-markup-pointer-opacity))))
+ (if (and (not (bound-and-true-p org-noter--session))
+ (pdf-annot-getannots page))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (pdf-annot-get-id
+ (pdf-annot-read-annotation
+ "Click the annotation that you want to link to."))
+ (error
+ (if (y-or-n-p
+ "You can click anywhere on the page to add a link to. Do you want to do that? ")
+ (pdf-annot-get-id
+ (funcall-interactively
+ #'pdf-annot-add-text-annotation
+ (pdf-util-read-image-position
+ "Click where a new text annotation should be added ...")
+ org-pdftools-free-pointer-icon
+ `((color . ,org-pdftools-free-pointer-color)
+ (opacity . ,org-pdftools-free-pointer-opacity))))
+ nil)))
+ (if (y-or-n-p
+ "You can click anywhere on the page to add a link to. Do you want to do that? ")
+ (pdf-annot-get-id
+ (funcall-interactively
+ #'pdf-annot-add-text-annotation
+ (pdf-util-read-image-position
+ "Click where a new text annotation should be added ...")
+ org-pdftools-free-pointer-icon
+ `((color . ,org-pdftools-free-pointer-color)
+ (opacity . ,org-pdftools-free-pointer-opacity))))
+ nil))))
+ (height (cond ((bound-and-true-p annot-id)
+ (nth 1 (pdf-annot-get
+ (pdf-info-getannot
+ annot-id
+ path)
+ 'edges)))
+ (t
+ (/
+ (*
+ (or (image-mode-window-get
+ 'vscroll)
+ 0)
+ (frame-char-height))
+ (float
+ (cdr (pdf-view-image-size)))))))
+ ;; pdf://path::page++height_percent;;annot_id\\|??search-string
+ (search-string (if (and (not annot-id)
+ (y-or-n-p
+ "Do you want to add a isearch link? "))
+ isearch-string
+ ""))
+ (link (concat
+ org-pdftools-link-prefix ":"
+ path
+ "::"
+ (number-to-string page)
+ "++"
+ (format "%.2f" height)
+ (if annot-id
+ (concat
+ ";;"
+ (symbol-name annot-id))
+ (if (not (string-empty-p search-string))
+ (concat
+ org-pdftools-search-string-separator
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ " "
+ "%20"
+ search-string))
+ (message
+ " Reminder: You haven't performed a isearch!") "")))))
+ link))
+(defun org-pdftools-get-desc-default (file page &optional text)
+ (concat file ".pdf: Page " page (when text (concat "; Quoting: " text))))
+(defun org-pdftools-open (link)
+ "Function to open org-pdftools LINK."
+ (if (and (display-graphic-p)
+ (featurep 'pdf-tools))
+ (org-pdftools-open-pdftools
+ link)
+ (if (bound-and-true-p org-pdftools-open-custom-open)
+ (funcall org-pdftools-open-custom-open link)
+ (let* ((path (when (string-match
+ "\\(.+\\)::.+" link)
+ (match-string 1 link))))
+ (org-open-file path)))))
+(defun org-pdftools-store-link ()
+ "Store a link to a pdfview/pdfoccur buffer."
+ (cond ((eq major-mode 'pdf-view-mode)
+ ;; This buffer is in pdf-view-mode
+ (let* ((file (file-name-base (pdf-view-buffer-file-name)))
+ (quot (if (pdf-view-active-region-p)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " "
+ (mapconcat 'identity (pdf-view-active-region-text) ? ))))
+ (page (number-to-string (pdf-view-current-page)))
+ (link (org-pdftools-get-link))
+ (isearchstr (if (string-match (concat ".*" (regexp-quote org-pdftools-search-string-separator) "\\(.*\\)") link)
+ (match-string 1 link)))
+ (desc (funcall org-pdftools-get-desc-function file page (or quot isearchstr))))
+ (org-link-store-props
+ :type org-pdftools-link-prefix
+ :link link
+ :description desc)))
+ ((eq major-mode 'pdf-occur-buffer-mode)
+ (let* ((paths (mapconcat #'identity (mapcar #'car
+ pdf-occur-search-documents) "%&%"))
+ (occur-search-string pdf-occur-search-string)
+ (link (concat org-pdftools-link-prefix ":"
+ paths "@@" occur-search-string)))
+ (org-link-store-props
+ :type org-pdftools-link-prefix
+ :link link
+ :description (concat "Search: " occur-search-string))))))
+(defun org-pdftools-export (link description format)
+ "Export the pdfview LINK with DESCRIPTION for FORMAT from Org files."
+ (let* (path loc page)
+ (if (string-match "\\(.+\\)::\\(.*\\)" link)
+ (progn
+ (setq path (match-string 1 link))
+ (setq loc (match-string 2 link))
+ (if (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)++\\(.*\\)" loc)
+ (setq page (match-string 1 loc))
+ (setq page loc)))
+ (setq path link))
+ ;; `org-export-file-uri` expands the filename correctly
+ (setq path (org-export-file-uri (org-link-escape path)))
+ (cond ((eq format 'html)
+ (format
+ "<a href=\"%s#page=%s\">%s</a>"
+ path
+ page
+ description))
+ ((eq format 'latex)
+ (format
+ "\\href{%s}{%s}"
+ path
+ description))
+ ((eq format 'ascii)
+ (format "%s (%s)" description path))
+ (t path))))
+(defun org-pdftools-setup-link (&optional prefix)
+ "Set up pdf: links in org-mode."
+ (setq org-pdftools-prefix (or prefix org-pdftools-link-prefix))
+ (org-link-set-parameters org-pdftools-prefix
+ :follow #'org-pdftools-open
+ :complete #'org-pdftools-complete-link
+ :store #'org-pdftools-store-link
+ :export #'org-pdftools-export))
+(defun org-pdftools-complete-link (&optional arg)
+ "Use the existing file name completion for file.
+Links to get the file name, then ask the user for the page number
+and append it. ARG is passed to `org-link-complete-file'."
+ (concat
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "^file:"
+ (concat org-pdftools-link-prefix ":")
+ (org-link-complete-file arg))
+ "::"
+ (read-from-minibuffer
+ "Page:"
+ "1")))
+(provide 'org-pdftools)
+;;; org-pdftools.el ends here