diff options
authorJSDurand <>2023-12-13 14:34:13 +0800
committerJSDurand <>2023-12-13 14:34:13 +0800
commitb86b9a70dee3f679ddf4e34a0f02067b3d9c475b (patch)
parent1269e656d668f9ed5d2b254f6f9018ee3ac4b59a (diff)
eshell: a custom fs command, but not needed.
* eshell-conf.el: A custom `fs` command was added and then commented as that is not really needed.
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eshell-conf.el b/eshell-conf.el
index 2e00cd5..c8c2605 100644
--- a/eshell-conf.el
+++ b/eshell-conf.el
@@ -532,6 +532,104 @@ This can preserve the original sorting method."
(advice-add #'eshell-ls-sort-entries
:around #'durand-eshell-ls-sort-entries)
+;;; Custom command 'fs'
+;; REVIEW: Not needed?
+;; (defun eshell/fs (&rest args)
+;; "Implementation of `fs'.
+;; See `eshell-fs' for the actual functionality and for the format
+;; of ARGS."
+;; (eshell-eval-using-options
+;; "fs" args
+;; '((?r "reverse" 'reverse sort-mode "Sort from the smallest to the biggest. Overrides '-s'")
+;; (?s "sort" nil sort-mode "Sort from the biggest to the smallest")
+;; (?h "help" nil nil "Print this help message.")
+;; :usage "[-hrs] [files]"
+;; :parse-leading-options-only)
+;; (eshell-fs sort-mode args)))
+;; (defun eshell-fs (sort-mode files)
+;; "Display a summary of sizes of FILES.
+;; SORT-MODE controls how to sort the display:
+;; - nil: No sorting
+;; - t: Sort according to sizes from the biggest down
+;; - other: Sort according to sizes from the smallest up
+;; FILES is a list of files to display sizes for. If FILES is nil,
+;; display the size of the current directory."
+;; (message "sort-mode: %S" sort-mode)
+;; (message "files: %S" files)
+;; nil
+;; )
+;; Fix Lisp du
+;; (defvar block-size)
+;; (defvar by-bytes)
+;; (defvar dereference-links)
+;; (defvar grand-total)
+;; (defvar human-readable)
+;; (defvar max-depth)
+;; (defvar only-one-filesystem)
+;; (defvar show-all)
+;; (defun durand-eshell/du (&rest args)
+;; "Implementation of \"du\" in Lisp, passing ARGS.
+;; Do not call external du unconditionally."
+;; (setq args (if args
+;; (eshell-stringify-list (flatten-tree args))
+;; '(".")))
+;; (eshell-eval-using-options
+;; "du" args
+;; '((?a "all" nil show-all
+;; "write counts for all files, not just directories")
+;; (nil "block-size" t block-size
+;; "use SIZE-byte blocks (i.e., --block-size SIZE)")
+;; (?b "bytes" nil by-bytes
+;; "print size in bytes")
+;; (?c "total" nil grand-total
+;; "produce a grand total")
+;; (?d "max-depth" t max-depth
+;; "display data only this many levels of data")
+;; (?h "human-readable" 1024 human-readable
+;; "print sizes in human readable format")
+;; (?H "is" 1000 human-readable
+;; "likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024")
+;; (?k "kilobytes" 1024 block-size
+;; "like --block-size 1024")
+;; (?L "dereference" nil dereference-links
+;; "dereference all symbolic links")
+;; (?m "megabytes" 1048576 block-size
+;; "like --block-size 1048576")
+;; (?s "summarize" 0 max-depth
+;; "display only a total for each argument")
+;; (?x "one-file-system" nil only-one-filesystem
+;; "skip directories on different filesystems")
+;; (nil "help" nil nil
+;; "show this usage screen")
+;; :external "du"
+;; :usage "[OPTION]... FILE...
+;; Summarize disk usage of each FILE, recursively for directories.")
+;; (unless by-bytes
+;; (setq block-size (or block-size 1024)))
+;; (if (and max-depth (stringp max-depth))
+;; (setq max-depth (string-to-number max-depth)))
+;; ;; filesystem support means nothing under Windows
+;; (if (eshell-under-windows-p)
+;; (setq only-one-filesystem nil))
+;; (let ((size 0.0))
+;; (while args
+;; (if only-one-filesystem
+;; (setq only-one-filesystem
+;; (file-attribute-device-number (eshell-file-attributes
+;; (file-name-as-directory (car args))))))
+;; (setq size (+ size (eshell-du-sum-directory
+;; (directory-file-name (car args)) 0)))
+;; (setq args (cdr args)))
+;; (if grand-total
+;; (eshell-print (concat (eshell-du-size-string size)
+;; "total\n"))))))
;;; Integration with Tramp