path: root/chain
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chain')
7 files changed, 607 insertions, 1279 deletions
diff --git a/chain/Cargo.toml b/chain/Cargo.toml
index 32eed8b..265954c 100644
--- a/chain/Cargo.toml
+++ b/chain/Cargo.toml
@@ -7,4 +7,9 @@ edition = "2021"
nfa = { path = "../nfa" }
-graph = { path = "../graph" } \ No newline at end of file
+graph = { path = "../graph" }
+grammar = { path = "../grammar" }
+forest = { path = "../forest" }
+grammar = { path = "../grammar", features = ["test-helper"] }
diff --git a/chain/src/atom/ b/chain/src/atom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72989b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chain/src/atom/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+//! This file provides a default implementation of the
+//! [`Atom`][super::Atom] trait.
+use super::*;
+use grammar::Grammar;
+use graph::{error::Error as GraphError, Graph, LabelExtGraph, LabelGraph};
+use nfa::default::{nfa::DefaultNFA, regex::DefaultRegex};
+use core::fmt::Display;
+use std::collections::BTreeMap as Map;
+/// A virtual node represents the derivative of a non-terminal symbol
+/// `S` with respect to a terminal symbol `t`.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
+struct VirtualNode {
+ s: usize,
+ t: usize,
+impl Display for VirtualNode {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "VN[{}]^({})", self.s, self.t)
+ }
+impl VirtualNode {
+ fn new(s: usize, t: usize) -> Self {
+ Self { s, t }
+ }
+type VirtualMap = Map<VirtualNode, usize>;
+/// The type of atomic languages.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct DefaultAtom {
+ grammar: Grammar,
+ nfa: DefaultNFA<DOption<TNT>>,
+ // NOTE: This is mostly for printing and debugging
+ regexp: Vec<DefaultRegex<TNT>>,
+ virtual_nodes: VirtualMap,
+impl Display for DefaultAtom {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ let grammar = &self.grammar;
+ let error_to_string = |err| format!("{err}");
+ let tnt_to_string = |tnt, deco| {
+ grammar
+ .name_of_tnt(tnt)
+ .map(|name| format!("{deco}({name})"))
+ .unwrap_or_else(error_to_string)
+ };
+ let display_tnt = |tnt| match tnt {
+ TNT::Ter(t) => format!(
+ "({})",
+ grammar
+ .unpack_tnt(t)
+ .map(|tnt| tnt_to_string(tnt, ""))
+ .unwrap_or_else(error_to_string)
+ ),
+ TNT::Non(_) => tnt_to_string(tnt, "H"),
+ };
+ writeln!(f, "regular expressions:")?;
+ let mut accumulators = Vec::with_capacity(self.regexp.len() + 1);
+ accumulators.push(0usize);
+ for regex in self.regexp.iter() {
+ writeln!(f, "accumulator: {}", accumulators.last().unwrap())?;
+ accumulators.push(regex.nodes_len() * 2 + accumulators.last().unwrap());
+ let string = regex.to_string_with(display_tnt)?;
+ writeln!(f, "{string}")?;
+ }
+ writeln!(f, "total = {}", accumulators.last().unwrap())?;
+ writeln!(f, "virtual nodes:")?;
+ for (virtual_node, index) in self.virtual_nodes.iter() {
+ writeln!(f, "{virtual_node}: {index}")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+// Some boiler-plate delegation implementations for Graph and
+// LabelGraph, in order to implement Nfa.
+impl Graph for DefaultAtom {
+ type Iter<'b> = <DefaultNFA<DOption<TNT>> as Graph>::Iter<'b>
+ where
+ Self: 'b;
+ fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.nfa.is_empty()
+ }
+ fn nodes_len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.nfa.nodes_len()
+ }
+ fn children_of(&self, node_id: usize) -> Result<Self::Iter<'_>, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.children_of(node_id)
+ }
+ fn degree(&self, node_id: usize) -> Result<usize, GraphError> {
+ }
+ fn is_empty_node(&self, node_id: usize) -> Result<bool, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.is_empty_node(node_id)
+ }
+ fn has_edge(&self, source: usize, target: usize) -> Result<bool, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.has_edge(source, target)
+ }
+ fn replace_by_builder(&mut self, _builder: impl graph::Builder<Result = Self>) {
+ // NOTE: We cannot replace by a builder whose result is an
+ // atom, not the underlying graph type.
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+impl LabelGraph<DOption<TNT>> for DefaultAtom {
+ type Iter<'b> = <DefaultNFA<DOption<TNT>> as LabelGraph<DOption<TNT>>>::Iter<'b>
+ where
+ Self: 'b;
+ type LabelIter<'b> = <DefaultNFA<DOption<TNT>> as LabelGraph<DOption<TNT>>>::LabelIter<'b>
+ where
+ Self: 'b,
+ DOption<TNT>: 'b;
+ type EdgeLabelIter<'a> = <DefaultNFA<DOption<TNT>> as LabelGraph<DOption<TNT>>>::EdgeLabelIter<'a>
+ where
+ Self: 'a,
+ DOption<TNT>: 'a;
+ #[inline]
+ fn vertex_label(&self, node_id: usize) -> Result<Option<DOption<TNT>>, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.vertex_label(node_id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn edge_label(
+ &self,
+ source: usize,
+ target: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Self::EdgeLabelIter<'_>, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.edge_label(source, target)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_children_with_label(
+ &self,
+ node_id: usize,
+ label: &DOption<TNT>,
+ ) -> Result<<Self as LabelGraph<DOption<TNT>>>::Iter<'_>, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.find_children_with_label(node_id, label)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn labels_of(&self, node_id: usize) -> Result<Self::LabelIter<'_>, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.labels_of(node_id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn has_edge_label(
+ &self,
+ node_id: usize,
+ label: &DOption<TNT>,
+ target: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.has_edge_label(node_id, label, target)
+ }
+impl LabelExtGraph<DOption<TNT>> for DefaultAtom {
+ #[inline]
+ fn extend(
+ &mut self,
+ edges: impl IntoIterator<Item = (DOption<TNT>, usize)>,
+ ) -> Result<usize, GraphError> {
+ self.nfa.extend(edges)
+ }
+impl Nfa<DOption<TNT>> for DefaultAtom {
+ #[inline]
+ fn remove_epsilon<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(), nfa::error::Error>
+ where
+ F: Fn(DOption<TNT>) -> bool,
+ {
+ self.nfa.remove_epsilon(f)
+ }
+ type FromRegex<S: graph::GraphLabel + std::fmt::Display + Default> = ();
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_nfa(
+ _regexps: &[impl nfa::Regex<nfa::default::regex::RegexType<DOption<TNT>>>],
+ _sub_pred: impl Fn(DOption<TNT>) -> Result<nfa::SoC<DOption<TNT>>, nfa::error::Error>,
+ _default: Option<DOption<TNT>>,
+ ) -> Result<Self::FromRegex<DOption<DOption<TNT>>>, nfa::error::Error> {
+ // NOTE: We cannot construct an atom from a set of regular
+ // languages alone. So it is appropriate to panic here, if
+ // one tries to do so, for some reason.
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn remove_dead(&mut self, reserve: impl Fn(usize) -> bool) -> Result<(), nfa::error::Error> {
+ self.nfa.remove_dead(reserve)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn nulling(&mut self, f: impl Fn(DOption<TNT>) -> bool) -> Result<(), nfa::error::Error> {
+ self.nfa.nulling(f)
+ }
+impl DefaultAtom {
+ /// Construct an atomic language from a grammar.
+ pub fn from_grammar(mut grammar: Grammar) -> Result<Self, GrammarError> {
+ grammar.compute_firsts()?;
+ let regexp = grammar.left_closure()?;
+ let mut nfa = grammar.left_closure_to_nfa(&regexp)?;
+ use std::collections::HashSet;
+ let accumulators: Vec<usize> = {
+ let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(regexp.len() + 1);
+ result.push(0);
+ for regex in regexp.iter() {
+ result.push(regex.nodes_len() * 2 + result.last().unwrap());
+ }
+ result.into_iter().collect()
+ };
+ let accumulators_set: HashSet<usize> = accumulators.iter().copied().collect();
+ nfa.nulling(|label| {
+ if let Some(label) = *label {
+ match label {
+ TNT::Ter(_) => false,
+ // Panics if a non-terminal references an invalid node
+ // here.
+ TNT::Non(n) => grammar.is_nullable(n).unwrap(),
+ }
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ })?;
+ nfa.remove_epsilon(|label| label.is_none())?;
+ nfa.remove_dead(|node| accumulators_set.contains(&node))?;
+ // now add the virtual nodes
+ let mut virtual_nodes: VirtualMap = Default::default();
+ let nt_num = grammar.non_num();
+ assert!(nt_num <= accumulators.len());
+ // Convert an error telling us that an index is out of bounds.
+ //
+ // Panics if the error is not of the expected kind.
+ fn index_out_of_bounds_conversion(ge: GraphError) -> GrammarError {
+ match ge {
+ GraphError::IndexOutOfBounds(index, bound) => {
+ GrammarError::IndexOutOfBounds(index, bound)
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ for nt in 0..nt_num {
+ let children: std::collections::HashMap<DOption<TNT>, Vec<_>> = nfa
+ // this is safe because of the above assertion.
+ .labels_of(*accumulators.get(nt).unwrap())
+ .map_err(index_out_of_bounds_conversion)?
+ .map(|(label, target_iter)| (*label, target_iter.collect()))
+ .collect();
+ for (label, children_vec) in children.into_iter() {
+ if let Some(TNT::Ter(t)) = *label {
+ let new_index = nfa
+ .extend(children_vec.into_iter().map(|target| (label, target)))
+ .map_err(index_out_of_bounds_conversion)?;
+ let virtual_node = VirtualNode::new(nt, t);
+ virtual_nodes.insert(virtual_node, new_index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(Self {
+ grammar,
+ nfa,
+ regexp,
+ virtual_nodes,
+ })
+ }
+/// A convenient getter for the map of virtual nodes.
+fn query(map: &VirtualMap, nt: usize, t: usize) -> Option<usize> {
+ map.get(&VirtualNode::new(nt, t)).copied()
+impl Atom for DefaultAtom {
+ fn atom(&self, nt: usize, t: usize) -> Result<Option<usize>, GrammarError> {
+ if nt >= self.grammar.non_num() {
+ return Err(GrammarError::IndexOutOfBounds(nt, self.grammar.non_num()));
+ }
+ if t >= self.grammar.ter_num() {
+ return Err(GrammarError::IndexOutOfBounds(t, self.grammar.ter_num()));
+ }
+ Ok(query(&self.virtual_nodes, nt, t))
+ }
+ fn empty(&self) -> usize {
+ assert_eq!(self.nfa.nodes_len() - 2, self.grammar.non_num() * 2);
+ self.nfa.nodes_len() - 2
+ }
diff --git a/chain/src/atom/ b/chain/src/atom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..084acca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chain/src/atom/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+//! This file defines the behaviour of the Atomic languages, and
+//! provides a default implementation.
+//! Here I do not to substitute external packages' implementations in
+//! the future, so why define a trait for the atomic languages?
+//! Because this way I can easily substitute other implementations if
+//! I have better ideas in the future.
+use grammar::{Error as GrammarError, TNT};
+use nfa::{DOption, Nfa};
+/// The expected behaviours of an atomic language.
+pub trait Atom: Nfa<DOption<TNT>> {
+ /// Return the index of a node representing the derivative of the
+ /// left-linear null closure of `nt` with respect to `t`.
+ fn atom(&self, nt: usize, t: usize) -> Result<Option<usize>, GrammarError>;
+ /// Return the index of the empty state.
+ fn empty(&self) -> usize;
+pub mod default;
+pub use default::DefaultAtom;
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use grammar::test_grammar_helper::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn atom() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let grammar = new_notes_grammar()?;
+ let atom = DefaultAtom::from_grammar(grammar)?;
+ println!("atom = {atom}");
+ Ok(())
+ }
diff --git a/chain/src/ b/chain/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e04be9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chain/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+//! This file provides a default implementation of the
+//! [`Chain`][crate::Chain] trait.
+//! The reason for using a trait is that I might want to experiment
+//! with different implementation ideas in the future, and this
+//! modular design makes that easy.
+use super::*;
+use core::fmt::Display;
+/// The errors related to taking derivatives by chain rule.
+pub enum Error {
+ /// An invalid situation happens.
+ Invalid,
+impl Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ Self::Invalid => write!(f, "invalid"),
+ }
+ }
+impl std::error::Error for Error {}
+/// A default implementation for the [`Chain`] trait.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct DefaultChain {}
+impl Chain for DefaultChain {
+ type Error = Error;
+ fn unit() -> Self {
+ todo!()
+ }
+ fn chain(&mut self, _t: usize) {
+ todo!()
+ }
+ fn epsilon(&self) -> bool {
+ todo!()
+ }
diff --git a/chain/src/ b/chain/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 287fbca..0000000
--- a/chain/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1247 +0,0 @@
-//! This file implements the extected behaviours of grammars.
-// NOTE: We shall first start with a parser that works at the level of
-// characters. The purpose is to first experiment with the workings
-// and the performance of the algorithms, before optimising by using
-// regular expressions to classify inputs into tokens. In other
-// words, the current focus is not on the optimisations, whereas
-// scanners are for optimisations only, so to speak.
-use nfa::{
- default::{
- nfa::DefaultNFA,
- regex::{DefaultRegParser, DefaultRegex, ParseDirection, ParseError, RegexType},
- },
- DOption, DesRec, Nfa, Regex, SoC,
-use graph::{adlist::ALGBuilder, builder::Builder, Graph};
-use std::{
- collections::HashSet,
- fmt::{Display, Write},
-/// The type of a terminal.
-/// For the time being this is a wrapper around a string, but in the
-/// future it may hold more information of scanners.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Terminal {
- // If we want to use scanners, per chance add them as a new field
- // here.
- name: String,
-impl Terminal {
- /// Create a terminal with the given name.
- #[inline]
- pub fn new(name: String) -> Self {
- Self { name }
- }
- /// Return the name of the terminal.
- #[inline]
- pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
- &
- }
-/// The type of a non-terminal.
-/// This is just a wrapper around a string.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Nonterminal(String);
-impl Nonterminal {
- /// Return the name of the nonterminal.
- ///
- /// Just to improve readability.
- #[inline]
- pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
- &self.0
- }
-/// The type of a terminal or a non-terminal.
-/// Only an index is stored here. Actual data are stored in two other
-/// arrays.
-#[derive(Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd)]
-pub enum TNT {
- /// Terminal variant
- Ter(usize),
- /// Nonterminal variant
- Non(usize),
-impl Display for TNT {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- TNT::Ter(t) => write!(f, "T({t})"),
- TNT::Non(n) => write!(f, "N({n})"),
- }
- }
-/// Errors related to grammar operations.
-#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
-pub enum Error {
- /// The first component is the index, and the second the bound.
- IndexOutOfBounds(usize, usize),
- /// Fail to build the N-th regular expression, due to the
- /// ParseError.
- BuildFail(usize, ParseError),
- /// fail to build NFA
- NFAFail(nfa::error::Error),
-impl From<nfa::error::Error> for Error {
- fn from(nfae: nfa::error::Error) -> Self {
- Self::NFAFail(nfae)
- }
-impl Display for Error {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- Error::IndexOutOfBounds(i, b) => write!(f, "index {i} out of bound {b}"),
- Error::BuildFail(n, pe) => write!(
- f,
- "Failed to build the {n}-th regular expression due to error: {pe}"
- ),
- Error::NFAFail(nfae) => write!(f, "failed to build NFA because of {nfae}"),
- }
- }
-impl std::error::Error for Error {}
-/// A rule is a regular expression of terminals or non-terminals.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Rule {
- regex: DefaultRegex<TNT>,
-impl Rule {
- /// Return true if and only if the rule is empty.
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
- self.regex.is_empty()
- }
- /// Return the length of the rule.
- #[inline]
- pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
- self.regex.len()
- }
-/// The type of a grammar.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
-pub struct Grammar {
- ter: Vec<Terminal>,
- non: Vec<Nonterminal>,
- rules: Vec<Rule>,
- firsts: Vec<HashSet<Option<usize>>>,
- first_nodes: Vec<Vec<usize>>,
-/// A private type to aid the recursive looping of rergular
-/// expressions.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-enum StackElement {
- Seen(usize),
- Unseen(usize),
-impl StackElement {
- fn index(self) -> usize {
- match self {
- Self::Seen(index) => index,
- Self::Unseen(index) => index,
- }
- }
- fn is_seen(self) -> bool {
- matches!(self, Self::Seen(_))
- }
-impl Grammar {
- /// Construct a grammar from a vector of terminals, a vector of
- /// non-terminals, and a vector of rules for the non-temrinals.
- ///
- /// # Panic
- ///
- /// If the length of `non` is not equal to that of `rules`, then
- /// the function panics.
- pub fn new(ter: Vec<Terminal>, non: Vec<Nonterminal>, rules: Vec<Rule>) -> Self {
- assert_eq!(non.len(), rules.len());
- // One more room is reserved for the `None` value.
- let firsts = std::iter::repeat_with(|| HashSet::with_capacity(ter.len() + 1))
- .take(non.len())
- .collect();
- let first_nodes = rules
- .iter()
- .map(|rule| Vec::with_capacity(rule.len()))
- .collect();
- Self {
- ter,
- non,
- rules,
- firsts,
- first_nodes,
- }
- }
- /// Return the name of a terminal or a non-terminal.
- pub fn name_of_tnt(&self, tnt: TNT) -> Result<String, Error> {
- match tnt {
- TNT::Ter(t) => Ok(format!(
- "T{}",
- self.ter
- .get(t)
- .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(t, self.ter.len()))?
- .name()
- )),
- TNT::Non(n) => Ok(format!(
- "N{}",
- self.non
- .get(n)
- .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(n, self.non.len()))?
- .name()
- )),
- }
- }
- /// Return true if and only if there are no non-terminals in the
- /// grammar.
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
- self.non.is_empty()
- }
- /// Return the total length of all rules.
- #[inline]
- pub fn total(&self) -> usize {
- self.rules.iter().map(Rule::len).sum()
- }
- /// Return the number of terminals.
- #[inline]
- pub fn ter_num(&self) -> usize {
- self.ter.len()
- }
- /// Return the number of non-terminals.
- #[inline]
- pub fn non_num(&self) -> usize {
- self.non.len()
- }
- /// Convert a non-terminal `N` to `N + TER_NUM`, so that we use a
- /// single number to represent terminals and non-terminals.
- ///
- /// # Bounds
- ///
- /// If a terminal index is greater than or equal to the number of
- /// terminals, then this signals an error; mutatis mutandis for
- /// non-terminals.
- ///
- /// # Related
- ///
- /// The inverse function is [`unpack_tnt`][Grammar::unpack_tnt].
- #[inline]
- pub fn pack_tnt(&self, tnt: TNT) -> Result<usize, Error> {
- let ter_num = self.ter.len();
- let non_num = self.non.len();
- match tnt {
- TNT::Ter(t) => {
- if t >= ter_num {
- Err(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(t, ter_num))
- } else {
- Ok(t)
- }
- }
- TNT::Non(n) => {
- if n >= non_num {
- Err(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(n, non_num))
- } else {
- Ok(n + ter_num)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Convert a single number to either a terminal or a
- /// non-terminal.
- ///
- /// # Bounds
- ///
- /// If the number is greater than or equal to the sum of the
- /// numbers of terminals and of non-terminals, then this signals
- /// an error.
- ///
- /// # Related
- ///
- /// This is the inverse of [`pack_tnt`][Grammar::pack_tnt].
- #[inline]
- pub fn unpack_tnt(&self, flat: usize) -> Result<TNT, Error> {
- let ter_num = self.ter.len();
- let non_num = self.non.len();
- if flat < ter_num {
- Ok(TNT::Ter(flat))
- } else if flat < ter_num + non_num {
- Ok(TNT::Non(flat - ter_num))
- } else {
- Err(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(flat, ter_num + non_num))
- }
- }
- /// Return true if and only if the non-terminal is nullable.
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_nullable(&self, non_terminal: usize) -> Result<bool, Error> {
- Ok(self
- .firsts
- .get(non_terminal)
- .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(non_terminal, self.non.len()))?
- .contains(&None))
- }
- /// For a NON_TERMINAL, return an iterator that goes over the
- /// nodes that are reachable from the non-terminal through an
- /// empty transition of the nondeterministic finite automaton.
- #[inline]
- pub fn first_nodes_of(&self, non_terminal: usize) -> Result<std::slice::Iter<usize>, Error> {
- Ok(self
- .first_nodes
- .get(non_terminal)
- .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(non_terminal, self.non.len()))?
- .iter())
- }
- /// Compute the set of terminals that can appear as the first
- /// terminal in some left-linear derivation of a non-terminal, for
- /// every non-terminal.
- ///
- /// This is an algorithm that computes the transitive closure,
- /// which is a common approach for this task. But perhaps there
- /// are more efficient approaches?
- ///
- /// Also the function computes the set of "reachable nodes" in the
- /// process, and records the information in the `first_nodes`
- /// attribute.
- pub fn compute_firsts(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
- let mut updated = true;
- let non_len = self.non_num();
- use StackElement::{Seen, Unseen};
- while updated {
- updated = false;
- for (n, regex) in self.rules.iter().map(|rule| &rule.regex).enumerate() {
- let root = if let Some(root) = regex.root() {
- root
- } else {
- if !self.is_nullable(n)? {
- updated = true;
- self.firsts.get_mut(n).unwrap().insert(None);
- // The default construction of a grammar
- // reserves some space for each vector, so
- // explicitly setting this can reduce some
- // minor memory overhead.
- let pointer = self.first_nodes.get_mut(n).unwrap();
- pointer.clear();
- pointer.shrink_to_fit();
- }
- continue;
- };
- let regex_len = regex.len();
- let mut stack: Vec<StackElement> = Vec::with_capacity(regex_len);
- stack.push(Unseen(root));
- let mut children_sets_stack: Vec<HashSet<Option<usize>>> =
- Vec::with_capacity(regex_len);
- let mut children_nodes_stack: Vec<HashSet<usize>> = Vec::with_capacity(regex_len);
- while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
- let top_index = top.index();
- let is_seen = top.is_seen();
- match regex
- .vertex_label(top_index)
- .map_err(|_| Error::IndexOutOfBounds(top_index, regex_len))?
- {
- RegexType::Kleene => {
- if !is_seen {
- stack.push(Seen(top_index));
- for child in regex.children_of(top_index).unwrap() {
- stack.push(Unseen(child));
- }
- } else {
- let degree =;
- let children_stack_len = children_sets_stack.len();
- let children_nodes_len = children_nodes_stack.len();
- assert!(
- children_stack_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- assert!(
- children_nodes_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- let mut this_set = HashSet::new();
- this_set.insert(None);
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::new();
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- if degree == 0 {
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- continue;
- }
- let mut stop = false;
- for (child_set, child_nodes) in children_sets_stack
- .drain((children_stack_len - degree)..)
- .zip(
- children_nodes_stack.drain((children_nodes_len - degree)..),
- )
- {
- if stop {
- break;
- }
- if !child_set.contains(&None) {
- stop = true;
- }
- this_set.extend(child_set);
- this_nodes.extend(child_nodes);
- }
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Plus => {
- if !is_seen {
- stack.push(Seen(top_index));
- for child in regex.children_of(top_index).unwrap() {
- stack.push(Unseen(child));
- }
- } else {
- let degree =;
- let children_stack_len = children_sets_stack.len();
- let children_nodes_len = children_nodes_stack.len();
- assert!(
- children_stack_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- assert!(
- children_nodes_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- let mut this_set = HashSet::new();
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::new();
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- if degree == 0 {
- this_set.insert(None);
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- continue;
- }
- let mut stop = false;
- for (child_set, child_nodes) in children_sets_stack
- .drain((children_stack_len - degree)..)
- .zip(
- children_nodes_stack.drain((children_nodes_len - degree)..),
- )
- {
- if stop {
- break;
- }
- if !child_set.contains(&None) {
- stop = true;
- }
- this_set.extend(child_set);
- this_nodes.extend(child_nodes);
- }
- if stop {
- this_set.remove(&None);
- }
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Optional => {
- if !is_seen {
- stack.push(Seen(top_index));
- for child in regex.children_of(top_index).unwrap() {
- stack.push(Unseen(child));
- }
- } else {
- let degree =;
- let children_stack_len = children_sets_stack.len();
- let children_nodes_len = children_nodes_stack.len();
- assert!(
- children_stack_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- assert!(
- children_nodes_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- let mut this_set = HashSet::new();
- this_set.insert(None);
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::new();
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- if degree == 0 {
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- continue;
- }
- let mut stop = false;
- for (child_set, child_nodes) in children_sets_stack
- .drain((children_stack_len - degree)..)
- .zip(
- children_nodes_stack.drain((children_nodes_len - degree)..),
- )
- {
- if stop {
- break;
- }
- if !child_set.contains(&None) {
- stop = true;
- }
- this_set.extend(child_set.iter().copied());
- this_nodes.extend(child_nodes.iter().copied());
- }
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Or => {
- if !is_seen {
- stack.push(Seen(top_index));
- for child in regex.children_of(top_index).unwrap() {
- stack.push(Unseen(child));
- }
- } else {
- let degree =;
- let children_stack_len = children_sets_stack.len();
- let children_nodes_len = children_nodes_stack.len();
- assert!(
- children_stack_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- assert!(
- children_nodes_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- let mut this_set = HashSet::new();
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::new();
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- if degree == 0 {
- this_set.insert(None);
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- continue;
- }
- for (child_set, child_nodes) in children_sets_stack
- .drain((children_stack_len - degree)..)
- .zip(
- children_nodes_stack.drain((children_nodes_len - degree)..),
- )
- {
- this_set.extend(child_set.iter().copied());
- this_nodes.extend(child_nodes.iter().copied());
- }
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Paren => {
- // Only for printing purposes
- let mut this_set = HashSet::new();
- this_set.insert(None);
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::new();
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- RegexType::Empty => {
- if !is_seen {
- stack.push(Seen(top_index));
- for child in regex.children_of(top_index).unwrap().rev() {
- stack.push(Unseen(child));
- }
- } else {
- let degree =;
- let children_stack_len = children_sets_stack.len();
- let children_nodes_len = children_nodes_stack.len();
- assert!(
- children_stack_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- assert!(
- children_nodes_len >= degree,
- "not enough stack elements for {top_index}"
- );
- let mut this_set = HashSet::new();
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::new();
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- if degree == 0 {
- this_set.insert(None);
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- continue;
- }
- let mut stop = false;
- for (child_set, child_nodes) in children_sets_stack
- .drain((children_stack_len - degree)..)
- .zip(
- children_nodes_stack.drain((children_nodes_len - degree)..),
- )
- {
- if stop {
- break;
- }
- if !child_set.contains(&None) {
- stop = true;
- }
- this_set.extend(child_set.iter().copied());
- this_nodes.extend(child_nodes.iter().copied());
- }
- if stop {
- this_set.remove(&None);
- }
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Lit(tnt) => {
- match tnt {
- TNT::Ter(t) => {
- let mut this_set = HashSet::with_capacity(1);
- this_set.insert(Some(t));
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- }
- TNT::Non(non) => {
- let this_set = self
- .firsts
- .get(non)
- .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(non, non_len))?
- .clone();
- children_sets_stack.push(this_set);
- }
- }
- let mut this_nodes = HashSet::with_capacity(1);
- this_nodes.insert(top_index);
- children_nodes_stack.push(this_nodes);
- }
- }
- }
- assert_eq!(
- children_sets_stack.len(),
- 1,
- "Too many elements left at the end"
- );
- assert_eq!(
- children_nodes_stack.len(),
- 1,
- "Too many elements left at the end"
- );
- for first in children_sets_stack.pop().unwrap().into_iter() {
- if !self.firsts.get(n).unwrap().contains(&first) {
- updated = true;
- self.firsts.get_mut(n).unwrap().insert(first);
- }
- }
- *self.first_nodes.get_mut(n).unwrap() =
- children_nodes_stack.pop().unwrap().into_iter().collect();
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Return the regular language of the left-linear closures of
- /// non-terminals in the grammar.
- ///
- /// The resulting vector is guaranteed to be of the same length as
- /// the number of non-terminals.
- ///
- /// The resulting regular language is not "self-contained". That
- /// is to say, its terminals indices are packed indices and are
- /// meaningless without the interpretation of the grammar. They
- /// should be converted to a nondeterministic finite automaton and
- /// then to its null closure later on.
- pub fn left_closure(&self) -> Result<Vec<DefaultRegex<TNT>>, Error> {
- let non_len = self.non_num();
- let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(non_len);
- for (n, rule) in self.rules.iter().enumerate() {
- let regex = &rule.regex;
- let regex_root = if let Some(root) = regex.root() {
- root
- } else {
- result.push(Default::default());
- continue;
- };
- let regex_len = regex.len();
- /// A convenient macro to retrieve the children from the
- /// original regular expression with error propagation.
- macro_rules! children {
- ($n:expr) => {
- regex
- .children_of($n)
- .map_err(|_| Error::IndexOutOfBounds($n, regex_len))?
- };
- }
- /// A convenient macro to retrieve the label from the
- /// original regular expression with error propagation.
- macro_rules! label {
- ($n:expr) => {
- regex
- .vertex_label($n)
- .map_err(|_| Error::IndexOutOfBounds($n, regex_len))?
- };
- }
- let parents = regex.parents_array().map_err(|e| match e {
- nfa::error::Error::UnknownNode(n) => Error::IndexOutOfBounds(n, regex_len),
- nfa::error::Error::Cycle => Error::BuildFail(n, ParseError::Cycle),
- _ => unreachable!(),
- })?;
- use RegexType::*;
- use TNT::*;
- let mut local_result: Vec<RegexType<TNT>> = Vec::with_capacity(regex_len * 2);
- let mut builder = ALGBuilder::default();
- /// Perform a depth-first copy
- macro_rules! df_copy {
- ($parent:expr, $index:expr) => {
- match label!($index) {
- Kleene | Plus | Optional | Or | Paren | Empty => {
- let mut stack = vec![($parent, $index)];
- while let Some((top_parent, top_index)) = stack.pop() {
- let label = label!(top_index);
- let label = match label {
- Lit(top_tnt) => Lit(Ter(self.pack_tnt(top_tnt).unwrap())),
- _ => label,
- };
- local_result.push(label);
- let new = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(top_parent, new, ()).unwrap();
- stack.extend(children!(top_index).map(|child| (new, child)));
- }
- }
- Lit(remain_tnt) => {
- local_result.push(Lit(Ter(self.pack_tnt(remain_tnt).unwrap())));
- let new = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge($parent, new, ()).unwrap();
- }
- }
- };
- }
- local_result.push(Or);
- builder.add_vertex();
- local_result.push(Lit(Ter(self.pack_tnt(Non(n)).unwrap())));
- let non_lit_index = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(0, non_lit_index, ()).unwrap();
- for first_node in self.first_nodes_of(n)?.copied() {
- assert!(first_node < parents.len());
- let tnt = match label!(first_node) {
- Lit(tnt) => tnt,
- _ => continue,
- };
- let mut parents_chain = {
- let mut result = Vec::new();
- let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(parents.len());
- stack.push(first_node);
- while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
- assert!(top < parents.len());
- if let Some(parent) = parents.get(top).copied().unwrap() {
- result.push(parent);
- stack.push(parent.0);
- }
- }
- result.reverse();
- result
- };
- if parents_chain.is_empty() {
- local_result.push(Lit(tnt));
- let lit_index = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(0, lit_index, ()).unwrap();
- continue;
- }
- assert!(parents_chain.first().unwrap().0 == regex_root);
- // A different, "more local", root.
- let mut root: usize;
- // Handle the direct parent
- let (parent_node, parent_edge_index) = parents_chain.pop().unwrap();
- match label!(parent_node) {
- Kleene | Plus => {
- local_result.extend([Empty, Lit(tnt)]);
- root = builder.add_vertex();
- let lit_index = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(root, lit_index, ()).unwrap();
- let iterator = children!(parent_node);
- for index in iterator.clone().skip(parent_edge_index + 1) {
- df_copy!(root, index);
- }
- local_result.push(Kleene);
- let new_parent = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(root, new_parent, ()).unwrap();
- for index in iterator {
- df_copy!(new_parent, index);
- }
- }
- Or => {
- local_result.push(Lit(tnt));
- root = builder.add_vertex();
- }
- Optional | Empty => {
- // If this path is taken, it should not be
- // optional.
- local_result.extend([Empty, Lit(tnt)]);
- root = builder.add_vertex();
- let lit_index = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(root, lit_index, ()).unwrap();
- for index in children!(parent_node).skip(parent_edge_index + 1) {
- df_copy!(root, index);
- }
- }
- Paren | Lit(_) => unreachable!(),
- }
- // Handle successive parents
- for (node, edge_index) in parents_chain.into_iter() {
- let node_type = label!(node);
- match node_type {
- Kleene | Plus => {
- local_result.push(Empty);
- let new_index = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(new_index, root, ()).unwrap();
- root = new_index;
- let iterator = children!(node);
- for index in iterator.clone().skip(edge_index + 1) {
- df_copy!(root, index);
- }
- local_result.push(Kleene);
- let new_parent = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(root, new_parent, ()).unwrap();
- for index in iterator {
- df_copy!(new_parent, index);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Or => {}
- RegexType::Optional | RegexType::Empty => {
- local_result.push(Empty);
- let new_index = builder.add_vertex();
- builder.add_edge(new_index, root, ()).unwrap();
- root = new_index;
- for index in children!(node).skip(edge_index + 1) {
- df_copy!(root, index);
- }
- }
- RegexType::Paren | RegexType::Lit(_) => unreachable!(),
- }
- }
- builder.add_edge(0, root, ()).unwrap();
- }
- local_result.shrink_to_fit();
- let graph =;
- assert_eq!(graph.nodes_len(), local_result.len());
- result.push(
- DefaultRegex::new(graph, local_result)
- .map_err(|_| Error::BuildFail(n, ParseError::Cycle))?,
- );
- }
- assert_eq!(result.len(), non_len);
- Ok(result)
- }
- /// Convert the regular language of left-linear closures to its
- /// equivalent nondeterministic finite automaton.
- ///
- /// In the generation of the left-linear closure, the terminals
- /// and non-terminals are packed into an unsigned integer. We
- /// unpack them in converting to nondeterministic finite
- /// automaton.
- ///
- /// The resulting nondeterministic finite automaton should be
- /// transformed to its null-closure for use in our algorithm.
- pub fn left_closure_to_nfa(
- &self,
- closure: &[DefaultRegex<TNT>],
- ) -> Result<DefaultNFA<DOption<TNT>>, Error> {
- let label_transform = |tnt| match tnt {
- TNT::Ter(t) => {
- let new_tnt = self.unpack_tnt(t).map_err(|e| match e {
- Error::IndexOutOfBounds(index, bound) => {
- graph::error::Error::IndexOutOfBounds(index, bound)
- }
- _ => unreachable!(),
- })?;
- Ok(SoC::Carry(new_tnt))
- }
- TNT::Non(n) => Ok(SoC::Sub(n)),
- };
- DefaultNFA::to_nfa(closure, label_transform).map_err(Into::into)
- }
-impl Display for Grammar {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- assert_eq!(self.non.len(), self.rules.len());
- for (nt, rule) in self.non.iter().zip(self.rules.iter()) {
- write!(f, "{}: ",;
- writeln!(
- f,
- "{}",
- rule.regex.to_string_with(|tnt| format!(
- "({})",
- self.name_of_tnt(tnt)
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("Unknown {tnt:?}"))
- ))?
- )?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
-mod test_grammar_helper {
- use super::*;
- use nfa::default::regex::{DefaultRegParser, ParseDirection, ParseError, RegexType};
- use std::fmt::Write;
- // Construct a grammar to test
- pub fn new_grammar() -> Result<Grammar, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- let ter = vec![Terminal::new("a".to_owned()), Terminal::new("b".to_owned())];
- let non = vec![
- Nonterminal("start".to_owned()),
- Nonterminal("end".to_owned()),
- ];
- /// A function to scan the inputs.
- fn scan_tnt(
- parser: &DefaultRegParser<TNT>,
- input: &str,
- ) -> Result<Option<(usize, RegexType<TNT>, ParseDirection)>, ParseError> {
- use ParseDirection::*;
- use RegexType::*;
- use TNT::*;
- let mut chars = input.chars();
- if let Some(first) = {
- match first {
- '*' => Ok(Some((1, Kleene, Right))),
- '+' => Ok(Some((1, Plus, Right))),
- '?' => Ok(Some((1, Optional, Right))),
- '|' => Ok(Some((1, Empty, Up))),
- '(' => Ok(Some((1, Or, Down))),
- ')' => Ok(Some((1, Paren, Up))),
- 'T' => {
- let mut name = String::new();
- let mut len = 1;
- while let Some(c) = {
- if ('a'..='z').contains(&c) {
- len += 1;
- write!(name, "{c}").map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidCharacter(c))?;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if let Some(t) = parser.query(&name, true) {
- Ok(Some((len, Lit(Ter(t)), Right)))
- } else {
- Err(ParseError::InvalidCharacter(first))
- }
- }
- 'N' => {
- let mut name = String::new();
- let mut len = 1;
- while let Some(c) = {
- if ('a'..='z').contains(&c) {
- len += 1;
- write!(name, "{c}").map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidCharacter(c))?;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if let Some(n) = parser.query(&name, false) {
- Ok(Some((len, Lit(Non(n)), Right)))
- } else {
- Err(ParseError::InvalidCharacter(first))
- }
- }
- _ => Err(ParseError::InvalidCharacter(first)),
- }
- } else {
- Ok(None)
- }
- }
- let mut regex_parser: DefaultRegParser<TNT> = Default::default();
- regex_parser.add_tnt("a", true);
- regex_parser.add_tnt("b", true);
- regex_parser.add_tnt("start", false);
- regex_parser.add_tnt("end", false);
- let regex_parser = regex_parser;
- let rule1 = Rule {
- regex: regex_parser
- .parse("Ta*Tb+Nend+", Box::new(scan_tnt), true)?
- .ok_or(ParseError::Invalid)?
- .0,
- };
- let rule2 = Rule {
- regex: regex_parser
- .parse("Nstart?Nend*", Box::new(scan_tnt), true)?
- .ok_or(ParseError::Invalid)?
- .0,
- };
- let rules = vec![rule1, rule2];
- Ok(Grammar::new(ter, non, rules))
- }
-mod test_grammar_display {
- use super::test_grammar_helper::new_grammar;
- #[test]
- fn test_display() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- println!("{}", new_grammar()?);
- Ok(())
- }
-mod test_grammar_firsts {
- use super::test_grammar_helper::new_grammar;
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn test_firsts() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- let mut grammar = new_grammar()?;
- grammar.compute_firsts()?;
- println!("grammar firsts: {:?}", grammar.firsts);
- println!("grammar first nodes: {:?}", grammar.first_nodes);
- Ok(())
- }
-mod test_grammar_left_closure {
- use super::test_grammar_helper::new_grammar;
- use super::*;
- pub fn new_closure_regex(
- grammar: &mut Grammar,
- ) -> Result<Vec<DefaultRegex<TNT>>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- grammar.compute_firsts()?;
- println!("grammar firsts: {:?}", grammar.firsts);
- println!("grammar first nodes: {:?}", grammar.first_nodes);
- println!("grammar:");
- println!("{grammar}");
- grammar.left_closure().map_err(Into::into)
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_regex() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- let mut grammar = new_grammar()?;
- let vec_of_regexps = new_closure_regex(&mut grammar)?;
- for regex in &vec_of_regexps {
- println!("regex: {}", regex.to_string_with(|tnt| format!("{tnt}"))?);
- // println!("regex: {regex:?}",);
- println!("regex len = {}", regex.nodes_len());
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_nfa() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- let mut grammar = new_grammar()?;
- let closure = new_closure_regex(&mut grammar)?;
- let nfa = grammar.left_closure_to_nfa(&closure)?;
- // TODO: print the nfa out
- Ok(())
- }
diff --git a/chain/src/ b/chain/src/
index 0ec4d4c..4e21e1d 100644
--- a/chain/src/
+++ b/chain/src/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
//! This package implements the core algorithm of the entire
//! workspace: parsing with derivatives by means of chain rule and
//! regular nulling languages.
@@ -7,19 +8,43 @@
//! think is the essence of this algorithm, the chain-rule for
//! derivatives of languages.
-pub mod grammar;
+pub mod atom;
-pub fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> usize {
- left + right
+// TODO: Define errors.
+/// The expected behaviours of a language which can take derivatives
+/// by chain rule.
+pub trait Chain: Default {
+ /// The implementations should choose a type to represent errors.
+ type Error: std::error::Error;
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
+ /// Represents the language that is present after we parse the
+ /// empty string, that is the initial configuration of the
+ /// language. This may or may not be different from what
+ /// `Default::default` gives.
+ fn unit() -> Self;
- #[test]
- fn it_works() {
- let result = add(2, 2);
- assert_eq!(result, 4);
- }
+ /// Take the derivative by a terminal symbol.
+ ///
+ /// This takes care of the union and the prepending operations.
+ ///
+ /// # A little remark about the design
+ ///
+ /// I have thought to separate different operations (like the
+ /// union, the prepending, and single derivatives) and then define
+ /// a function to put everything together. But I think that
+ /// design is not convenient to use. Also, I really do not need
+ /// those operations other than to provide this derivative
+ /// operation, so why define them? And putting all things
+ /// together may reduce the number of bugs caused by wrong uses of
+ /// those component functions, and can reduce the amount of
+ /// documentation strings a library user needs to read, in order
+ /// to make use of this trait. So I ended up with this design.
+ fn chain(&mut self, t: usize);
+ /// Return true if and only if the language contains the empty
+ /// string.
+ fn epsilon(&self) -> bool;
+pub mod default;
diff --git a/chain/src/ b/chain/src/
index 8c63492..61738a9 100644
--- a/chain/src/
+++ b/chain/src/
@@ -2,29 +2,73 @@
#+AUTHOR: Durand
#+DATE: <2022-11-18 Ven 19:57>
-* Things to do [2/7]
+* Things to do [5/10]
- [X] Implement builders for graphs
- [X] Find sets of the first terminals for each non-terminal, in the
grammar module.
-- [-] NFA [4/5]
+- [-] Establish a testing framework of various grammars. [5/6]
+ + [X] One simple grammar
+ + [X] Notes
+ + [X] Parentheses
+ + [X] Pathelogical left-recursive
+ + [X] Pathelogical right-recursive
+ + [ ] Pathelogically ambiguous
+ # More should be added
+- [X] NFA [4/4]
+ [X] Add regular expression into NFA.
+ [X] Convert a set of regular expressions into a nondeterministic
finite automaton, where non-terminals denote the indices of
regular expressions in the set to substitute.
- + [X] Convert a grammar into its grammar of left-linear closures of
- non-temrinals and their derivatives.
- + [X] Convert nondeterministic finite automata to their null
- closures.
- + [ ] Test more grammars to ensure it works correctly.
-- [ ] Define the Atom trait.
-- [ ] Implement virtual nodes for each derivative of each atom: The
- lack of this step might be the root cause of the failure of the
- previous version of this package.
-- [ ] Implement languages. [0/2]
- + [ ] First implement them as doubly labelled (directed acyclic)
- graphs.
- + [ ] Implement finding derivatives.
+ + [X] Convert a grammar to the language of atomic languages. [2/2]
+ * [X] Convert a grammar into its grammar of left-linear closures
+ of non-temrinals and their derivatives.
+ * [X] Convert nondeterministic finite automata to their null
+ closures.
+ + [X] Test more grammars to ensure it works correctly. [5/5]
+ * [X] Test the conversion to left-closure as a set of regular
+ expressions.
+ * [X] Test the conversion of a set of regular expressions into a
+ nondeterministic finite automaton.
+ * [X] Test the closure of null edges, where the nullity of an edge
+ is defined by a function. In our specific case, an edge is null
+ if the grammar symbol that edge represents, either a terminal or
+ a non-terminal, can match an empty string.
+ * [X] Test the removal of empty transitions from nondeterministic
+ finite automata.
+ * [X] Test the removal of dead states, where a state is dead if
+ and only if no other states have an edge into that state.
+- [ ] Refactor [0/3]
+ + [ ] When we pull in some regular language because of the
+ left-linear expansion, we need to mark that branch as coming from
+ left-linear expansions. This is necessary because we cannot
+ follow a left-linearly expanded branch when we take the derivative
+ of a language. We only expand left-linearly when we try to access
+ the atomic languages [s]^{(t)}. We can mark by returning a set of
+ nodes which are the beginnings of left-linearly expanded branches.
+ + [ ] An edge of the NFA should carry a label that can be more
+ informative than solely a terminal or a non-terminal.
+ + [ ] Add a mechanism for a grammar to attach labels to edges of NFA
+ which are not necessarily Copy-able, and which should be stored in a
+ separate array, such that the labels on edges of NFA point to the
+ elements of the array.
+- [X] Atom [3/3]
+ + [X] Define the Atom trait.
+ + [X] Implement virtual nodes for each derivative of each atom: The
+ lack of this step might be the root cause of the failure of the
+ previous version of this project.
+ + [X] Test atoms
+- [-] Implement languages. [1/3]
+ + [X] First define a trait with the expected behaviours.
+ + [ ] Then implement them as doubly labelled graphs.
+ + [ ] Thenimplement finding derivatives by use of the chain rule.
+- [-] Implement forests [0/2]
+ + [-] Define a trait with the expected behaviours.
+ + [ ] Implement them using adjacency list: we only need one label
+ per edge, and we do not wish to exclude duplicate edges, and we do
+ not need to index edges by the labels. All in all, the labels can
+ be implemented by a simple hash map that maps edges to labels, so
+ a special data type is not needed here.
- [ ] Implement semiring. [0/5]
+ [ ] Define the trait.
+ [ ] Implement the boolean semiring.
@@ -32,6 +76,9 @@
+ [ ] Implement the free semiring.
+ [ ] Compute and record a semiring value when computing
+- [X] Miscellaneous [1/1]
+ + [X] Implement a function for NFA that checks if a given predicate
+ is satisfied for each edge label.
* Atomic Languages
@@ -39,10 +86,6 @@ This describes the behaviours of atomic languages. The atomic
language consists of the null closure of any non-terminal symbol in
the grammar, and their deriavtives by terminals and non-terminal.
-* Script for creating GIF animation
-[[][a gist]]
* Derivative Languages
This is the main driving device of the algorithm. Basically, the
@@ -82,6 +125,61 @@ should be easy enough, since we already have the mechanism of graphs,
nondeterministic automata, and semirings. All we need to do is to
combine them together.
+* Lexers
+I got this idea from [[][a discussion on emacs-devel]]. The idea can be
+formulated as
+Potentially it allows invocation of a parser with different variants
+of lexers - one mode with block tokens for the exploration of
+project's structure, and another mode for indentation and error
+checking purposes.
+I think this is the "right" use of lexers. That is to say, the parser
+by default should operate on an abstract type of tokens, which are but
+unsigned integers, and rely on the user application to provide a lexer
+for turning the actual input, like a string, into an iterator of
+tokens. The lexer can choose to do any sort of preprocessing that it
+sees fit, or it can do nothing and just turn characters to unsigned
+integers. In the latter case, this parser generator works on the
+character level. But, when one neeeds, one can instruct the parser
+generator to work on the level of preprocessed tokens easily.
+This has the advantage of allowing a certain degree of flexibility in
+the type of tokens accepted, while keeping the implementation simple
+at the same time: the internal core only has to deal with unsigned
+integers, after all.
+* Library for drawing graphs
+In the past, I thought that drawing graphs is only a development tool
+for my package, so I can rely on such external tools as GraphViz, as
+that would not be needed for my end-users.
+But recently I realized that this is not a need only for the
+development of the package, but also for the users as well. To be
+more specific, the target users are those who want to "play" with
+grammars. So if one cannot view the resulting parse forest diagrams
+easily and interactively, it would be hard to "play" with grammars.
+Moreover, the internal workings of the parsing machine might also be
+interesting for users to inspect, whether to debug the program or to
+know more under the hood. As such it is required to view the diagrams
+of the internal directed acyclic graphs.
+For all these reasons, I know regard the ability to draw graphs and to
+interact with those graphs is essential to the user experience of this
+package. As a consequence, I would like to develop a small default
+library for this purpose. I follow the convention adapted by this
+package here as well, which is to provide a default implementation for
+the functionality, while still leaving the room for users to
+substitute with other external packages, if so desired, for whatever
+reason. For example, an external package may provide an unprecedented
+performance for drawing graphs in Emacs. If such a package appears, I
+can easily avail of that external package to draw graphs.
* Testing ground
I am in a strong need to test things out. The most important one is
@@ -92,3 +190,21 @@ understanding of the main algorithm is plain wrong.
This is the main reason I started this rewrite of the package.
+* To figure out
+I need to figure out how to construct the parse forest from a
+left-most null-closed derivation graph.
+Reading through the original paper again, I found that the author
+augmented the atomic languages with annotations of partial derivation
+steps on each edge of the nondeterministic finite automaton. In
+brief, this is what I tried to achieve with some obscure constructs
+such as expanding reduction informations carried by the
+nondeterministic finite automata, in one of the previous versions. To
+sum up, I really need to carry those informations in the first place,
+otherwise the parse forests cannot be reliably construced later on.
+But I really do not want to adopt the approach of the original author.
+I still prefer the idea of a recorder. That is to say, instead of
+constructing the parse forest after the recognition, we shall
+construct the parse forest simultaneously while we are recognizing.