path: root/chain/src/item
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chain/src/item')
6 files changed, 609 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/chain/src/item/default/ b/chain/src/item/default/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96f5119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chain/src/item/default/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+//! This module defines a function for extracting the "completed part"
+//! of a forest.
+//! # Completed sub-forest
+//! The completed part of a forest refers to the sub-forest of the
+//! forest that consists entirely of nodes whose ending positions are
+//! set, and whose subtrees also consist of such nodes.
+//! # Definition
+//! To be more rigorous, we call a node *n* of a forest *F* complete
+//! if its ending position is set. We call a sub-forest *S* of *F*
+//! completed if the following two conditions are satisfied:
+//! 1. Every node in *S* is complete.
+//! 2. For every node *n* in *S*, the subtree of *F* rooted at *n*
+//! consists entirely of complete nodes.
+//! # Uniqueness of the maximal completed sub-forest
+//! **Lemma**
+//! For any forest *F*, there is only one maximal completed sub-forest
+//! *S* of *F*. Here the maximality means that if *T* is a completed
+//! sub-forest of *F* which contains *S*, then *S* is equal to *T*.
+//! Then by **the completed part** of a forest *F* we refer to the
+//! unuique maximal completed sub-forest of *F*.
+//! **Proof**
+//! Note that if *S_1* and *S_2* are two completed sub-forests of *F*,
+//! and if *S_1* is not contained in *S_2*, say *n* is a node in *S_1*
+//! but not in *S_2*, then by adjoining the subtree of *S_2* rooted at
+//! *n* to *S_1* we obtain a completed sub-forest *S_3* which contains
+//! *S_1*, contradicting the maximality of *S_1*. Thus there can only
+//! be one maximal completed sub-forest of a forest.
+//! # Connected component
+//! The extraction function actually returns the connected component
+//! of the completed part of a forest which contains its root, as that
+//! is what we care about the most.
+use super::*;
+impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
+ pub(crate) fn extract(&self, pos: usize) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ // Preparations
+ let nodes_len = self.nodes_len();
+ let mut graph = PLGraph::default();
+ let mut builder = PLGBuilderMut::from_graph_mut(&mut graph);
+ let root = Some(0);
+ // Now find the connected component of the completed part of
+ // `self` and clone that to graph by means of `builder`.
+ // REVIEW: Maybe a small_vec can help here.
+ // A fixed-size hash table, sort of.
+ let mut validity_array: Vec<bool> = std::iter::repeat(true).take(nodes_len).collect();
+ // Calculate the exact length to avoid too many allocations.
+ let mut stack_len = 0usize;
+ // Use an iterator to avoid checking bounds in accessing
+ // elements of the array.
+ for (node, validity_ptr) in self.nodes().zip(validity_array.iter_mut()) {
+ if self
+ .vertex_label(node)?
+ .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node))?
+ .label()
+ .end()
+ .is_none()
+ {
+ *validity_ptr = false;
+ stack_len += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ dbg!(&validity_array);
+ // A stack for propagating the falsehood to parents and
+ // children of incomplete nodes, like a plague. The only
+ // nodes that can stop the spread of this plague are packed
+ // nodes with a child that is not infected (yet) by the
+ // plague.
+ let mut stack: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(stack_len);
+ for (n, validity) in validity_array.iter().enumerate() {
+ if !*validity {
+ stack.push(n);
+ }
+ }
+ while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
+ 'parent_loop: for parent in self.parents_of(top)?.map(|p| p.node()) {
+ if !*validity_array
+ .get(parent)
+ .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(parent, nodes_len))?
+ {
+ // already infected by the plague
+ continue 'parent_loop;
+ }
+ let should_spread_p = if self
+ .vertex_label(parent)?
+ .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(parent))?
+ .is_packed()
+ {
+ !self
+ .children_of(parent)?
+ .any(|node| validity_array.get(node).copied() == Some(true))
+ } else {
+ true
+ };
+ if should_spread_p {
+ *validity_array
+ .get_mut(parent)
+ .ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(parent, nodes_len))? = false;
+ stack.push(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let validity_array = validity_array;
+ /// A little macro to produce a vector of valid children.
+ macro_rules! valid_children {
+ ($node:ident) => {
+ self.children_of($node)?
+ .filter(|child| validity_array.get(*child).copied() == Some(true))
+ .collect::<Vec<usize>>()
+ };
+ }
+ dbg!(&validity_array);
+ if validity_array.iter().all(|validity| !*validity) {
+ // every element is false
+ let root = None;
+ return Ok(Self { graph, root });
+ }
+ // Finally clone the connected component to the new graph.
+ let root_label = GrammarLabel::new_closed(TNT::Non(0), 0, pos);
+ let packed_label = ForestLabel::new(root_label, ForestLabelType::Packed);
+ let plain_label = ForestLabel::new(root_label, ForestLabelType::Plain);
+ let original_root_label;
+ let original_root = if let Some(packed_node) = self.query_label(packed_label) {
+ original_root_label = packed_label;
+ packed_node
+ } else if let Some(plain_node) = self.query_label(plain_label) {
+ original_root_label = plain_label;
+ plain_node
+ } else {
+ let root = None;
+ return Ok(Self { graph, root });
+ };
+ let mut roots_stack: Vec<usize>;
+ if original_root_label.is_packed() {
+ roots_stack = valid_children!(original_root);
+ match roots_stack.len() {
+ 0 => {
+ let root = None;
+ return Ok(Self { graph, root });
+ }
+ 1 => {
+ let child = *roots_stack.first().unwrap();
+ builder.add_vertex(self.vertex_label(child)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(child))?);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let builder_root = builder.add_vertex(original_root_label);
+ for child in roots_stack.iter().copied() {
+ let child_node = builder.add_vertex(
+ self.vertex_label(child)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(child))?,
+ );
+ builder.add_edge(builder_root, child_node, original_root_label)?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ builder.add_vertex(original_root_label);
+ roots_stack = vec![original_root];
+ }
+ while let Some(top) = roots_stack.pop() {
+ let top_label = self.vertex_label(top)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(top))?;
+ let top_in_builder = match builder.query_label(top_label) {
+ Some(top_node) => top_node,
+ None => {
+ // an old cloned node now becomes a plain node
+ let plain_label = ForestLabel::new(top_label.label(), ForestLabelType::Plain);
+ builder
+ .query_label(plain_label)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("the top {top} should be planted already"))
+ }
+ };
+ 'children_loop: for child in self.children_of(top)? {
+ let child_label = self.vertex_label(child)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(child))?;
+ // filter out invalid children
+ if validity_array.get(child).copied() != Some(true) {
+ continue 'children_loop;
+ }
+ // avoid unnecessary effort
+ if let Some(child_node) = builder.query_label(child_label) {
+ builder.add_edge(top_in_builder, child_node, child_label)?;
+ continue 'children_loop;
+ }
+ if child_label.is_packed() {
+ let child_valid_children = valid_children!(child);
+ match child_valid_children.len() {
+ 0 => {
+ panic!("this case should not happen");
+ }
+ 1 => {
+ // If a packed node only has one valid
+ // child, we clone a plain node instead.
+ let child_child = *child_valid_children.first().unwrap();
+ let child_plain_label =
+ ForestLabel::new(child_label.label(), ForestLabelType::Plain);
+ let child_plain_node = builder.add_vertex(child_plain_label);
+ builder.add_edge(
+ top_in_builder,
+ child_plain_node,
+ child_plain_label,
+ )?;
+ roots_stack.push(child_child);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let child_node = builder.add_vertex(child_label);
+ builder.add_edge(top_in_builder, child_node, child_label)?;
+ roots_stack.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ continue 'children_loop;
+ }
+ let child_node = builder.add_vertex(child_label);
+ builder.add_edge(top_in_builder, child_node, child_label)?;
+ roots_stack.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(Self { graph, root })
+ }
+mod extract_tests {
+ use super::*;
+ fn construct_test_forest(
+ ) -> Result<DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ // node 0
+ let mut result: DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> = DefaultForest::new_leaf(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(0)), 0, 3),
+ );
+ // node 1
+ result.plant(
+ 0,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(15), 0, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ result.plant(
+ 1,
+ DefaultForest::new_leaf(GrammarLabel::new_closed(
+ GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(0)),
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ )),
+ true,
+ )?;
+ // node 2
+ result.plant(
+ 0,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(6), 0, 1), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 3
+ result.plant(
+ 2,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Ter(0)), 0, 1),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 4
+ result.plant(
+ 0,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(7), 1, 3), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 5
+ result.plant(
+ 4,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(0)), 1, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 6
+ result.plant(
+ 5,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(3), 1, 2), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 7
+ result.plant(
+ 6,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(1)), 1, 2),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 8
+ result.plant(
+ 7,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(11), 1, 2),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 9
+ result.plant(
+ 8,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Ter(2)), 1, 2),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // Clone node 5 to have node 10 and node 11
+ result.clone_node(5, 0, false)?;
+ // node 12
+ result.plant(
+ 11,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(3), 1, 3), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 13
+ result.plant(
+ 12,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(1)), 1, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ result.plant(
+ 13,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(11), 1, 2),
+ _
+ ),
+ true,
+ )?;
+ // node 14
+ result.plant(
+ 13,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(13), 2, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 15
+ result.plant(
+ 14,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Ter(2)), 2, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 16
+ result.plant(
+ 5,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new(GrammarLabelType::Rule(4), 2), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 17
+ result.plant(
+ 16,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(0)), 2), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 18
+ result.plant(
+ 17,
+ leaf!(GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(3), 2, 3), _),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 19
+ result.plant(
+ 18,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Non(1)), 2, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ // node 20
+ result.plant(
+ 19,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::Rule(11), 2, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ false,
+ )?;
+ result.plant(
+ 20,
+ leaf!(
+ GrammarLabel::new_closed(GrammarLabelType::TNT(TNT::Ter(2)), 2, 3),
+ _
+ ),
+ true,
+ )?;
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_extract() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let forest = construct_test_forest()?;
+ assert_eq!(forest.nodes_len(), 21);
+ forest.print_viz("forest before extraction.gv")?;
+ let extract_result = forest.extract(3)?;
+ extract_result.print_viz("extracted forest.gv")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
diff --git a/chain/src/item/default/ b/chain/src/item/default/
index 47e8c90..28bdbee 100644
--- a/chain/src/item/default/
+++ b/chain/src/item/default/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use graph_macro::Graph;
use std::collections::HashSet;
-use core::fmt::Display;
+use std::fmt::Display;
/// The type of errors for forest operations.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
@@ -216,6 +216,15 @@ impl<T: GraphLabel> Forest<T> for DefaultForest<ForestLabel<T>> {
return Err(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(node_id, self.nodes_len()));
+ // FIXME: We should take the presence of packed nodes into
+ // consideration. That is, the fragment might have already
+ // been planted and packed, and we need to account for such
+ // possibilities.
+ //
+ // Moreover, the fragments might also contain packed nodes, in
+ // which case we need to check these multiple possibilities
+ // are properly contained.
// We do a depth-first traversal to determine if every node
// encountered has the same set of children (labels taken into
// the consideration).
@@ -450,7 +459,7 @@ impl<T: GraphLabel> Forest<T> for DefaultForest<ForestLabel<T>> {
// Make sure it only has one parent, which is the
// representative node.
- assert_eq!(parents.len(), 1);
+ // assert_eq!(parents.len(), 1);
// We checked its length is 1, so it is safe to unwrap
// here.
@@ -670,6 +679,8 @@ impl<T: GraphLabel> DefaultForest<ForestLabel<T>> {
pub mod splone;
+pub mod extract;
impl<T: GraphLabel> DefaultForest<T> {
/// Create a forest with only one leaf from a raw label, unlike
/// `new_leaf`, which transforms the label for convenience.
@@ -798,53 +809,6 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
- /// Find the last child of the given node whose start and end
- /// positions contain the given position. If no such child is
- /// found, return `Ok(None)`.
- ///
- /// The returned tuple is of the form (child, index), where
- /// `child` is the index of the child node in question, and
- /// `index` means that the child is the `index`-th child of the
- /// node.
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub(crate) fn position_search(
- &self,
- node: usize,
- pos: usize,
- ) -> Result<Option<(usize, usize)>, Error> {
- fn range_contains(label: GrammarLabel, pos: usize) -> bool {
- let start = label.start();
- if let Some(end) = label.end() {
- (start..end).contains(&pos)
- } else {
- (start..).contains(&pos)
- }
- }
- let node_label = self
- .vertex_label(node)?
- .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node))?
- .label();
- if !range_contains(node_label, pos) {
- return Ok(None);
- }
- for (index, child) in self.children_of(node)?.enumerate().rev() {
- let child_label = self
- .vertex_label(child)?
- .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(child))?
- .label();
- if range_contains(child_label, pos) {
- return Ok(Some((child, index)));
- }
- }
- Ok(None)
- }
/// Set the position of every node.
/// If ALLP is non-nil or if the node is a terminal node, also set
diff --git a/chain/src/item/default/ b/chain/src/item/default/
index 581d1dc..da13c56 100644
--- a/chain/src/item/default/
+++ b/chain/src/item/default/
@@ -516,7 +516,13 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
if let Some((fragment, _planted)) = fragment {
let modified_degree = std::cmp::max(child_degree, 1) - 1;
- if self.has_same_children(child, node, modified_degree, edge_index)?
+ dbg!(node, end, edge_index, modified_degree);
+ dbg!(child, child_degree);
+ dbg!(&fragment);
+ if self.has_same_children(child, node, modified_degree, edge_index + 1)?
&& child_degree != 0
let last_child = self.nth_child(child, child_degree - 1)?;
@@ -651,7 +657,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
} else if labela.clone_index().is_some() {
let mut parentsa = self.parents_of(nodea)?;
- assert_eq!(parentsa.len(), 1);
+ // assert_eq!(parentsa.len(), 1);
let parenta =;
diff --git a/chain/src/item/ b/chain/src/item/
index 19f835b..e409c3c 100644
--- a/chain/src/item/
+++ b/chain/src/item/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ pub(crate) fn index_out_of_bounds_conversion(ge: GrammarError) -> Error {
/// Determine if a label is labelled by a terminal.
fn is_labelled_by_terminal(label: GrammarLabelType) -> bool {
- matches!(label.tnt(), Some(t) if matches!(t, TNT::Ter(_)))
+ matches!(label.tnt(), Some(tnt) if matches!(tnt, TNT::Ter(_)))
/// A helper function to generate a fragment of forest.
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
// Whether or not to print detailed graphs of each step of
// operation for debugging purposes.
- let to_print = false;
+ let to_print = true;
let tnt_string = {
let empty_p = atom_child_iter.len() == 0;
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
if let PaVi::Parent(node, edge, _) = pavi {
let nth_child = self.nth_child(node, edge)?;
- let reduced = self.reduction(nth_child, pos, ter, atom.borrow())?;
+ let reduced = self.reduction(nth_child, pos, ter, atom.borrow(), false)?;
if reduced != nth_child && !self.is_empty_node(reduced)? {
@@ -700,10 +700,14 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
let reduction_fragment = atom.generate_virtual_frags(nt, t, None);
- // NOTE: the case of the root is exceptional
- if reduction_fragment.is_none() && self.root() != Some(node) {
- return Err(Error::CannotClose(nt, t, node, node_label_start));
- }
+ // Maybe we do not have to force the reduciton here?
+ // // NOTE: the case of the root is exceptional
+ // if reduction_fragment.is_none() && self.root() != Some(node) {
+ // dbg!(self.root());
+ // self.print_viz("cannot close.gv").unwrap();
+ // return Err(Error::CannotClose(nt, t, node, node_label_start));
+ // }
for frag in reduction_fragment.into_iter().flatten() {
let mut frag = frag.clone();
diff --git a/chain/src/item/ b/chain/src/item/
index 54ca946..d2c3127 100644
--- a/chain/src/item/
+++ b/chain/src/item/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
use graph::{error::Error as GError, GraphLabel, LabelGraph, Parent, ParentsGraph};
-use core::borrow::Borrow;
+use std::borrow::Borrow;
/// A parent or a virtual segment.
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ enum ForestLabelType {
-impl core::fmt::Display for ForestLabelType {
+impl std::fmt::Display for ForestLabelType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Packed => write!(f, "packed"),
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ pub struct ForestLabel<T: GraphLabel> {
status: ForestLabelType,
-impl<T: GraphLabel> core::fmt::Display for ForestLabel<T> {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
+impl<T: GraphLabel> std::fmt::Display for ForestLabel<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
if !matches!(self.status, ForestLabelType::Plain) {
write!(f, "{}, {}", self.label, self.status)
} else {
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ pub enum ForestLabelError {
-impl core::fmt::Display for ForestLabelError {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
+impl std::fmt::Display for ForestLabelError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::PackClone => write!(f, "cannot pack a cloned node"),
Self::ClonePack => write!(f, "cannot clone a packed node"),
@@ -230,6 +230,9 @@ impl<T: GraphLabel> From<T> for ForestLabel<T> {
+// REVIEW: Should we move this trait (and only this trait) to a
+// separate crate, or is it enough to keep it here?
/// The expected behaviours of an item derivation forest.
/// Note that it requires only a subset of the functionalities of
diff --git a/chain/src/item/ b/chain/src/item/
index 89306e6..3c76c1e 100644
--- a/chain/src/item/
+++ b/chain/src/item/
@@ -122,6 +122,9 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
/// The parameter `ter` is used to fill in segments for virtual
/// nodes if they are found along the way.
+ /// The parameter `accept_root` controls whether we want to
+ /// perform reduction on the root.
+ ///
/// # Errors
/// 1. Index out of bounds: some node number is corrupted.
@@ -132,12 +135,13 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
pos: usize,
ter: usize,
atom: &DefaultAtom,
+ accept_root: bool,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let mut result = node;
// step 1: Determine if this needs reductions.
- if self.root() == Some(node) {
+ if !accept_root && self.root() == Some(node) {
return Ok(result);
@@ -152,9 +156,30 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
return Ok(result);
+ // Data type for representing the status when performing a
+ // search.
+ #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+ enum Status {
+ Correct,
+ Incorrect,
+ Visited,
+ }
+ impl From<bool> for Status {
+ fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
+ match value {
+ true => Self::Correct,
+ false => Self::Incorrect,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ use Status::*;
// step 2: Find descendents that need reductions.
- let mut correct_ends: Map<usize, bool> = Default::default();
+ let mut correct_ends: Map<usize, Status> = Default::default();
let mut order_of_correct_ends: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
@@ -165,7 +190,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, io::Write};
// Whether or not to write a debug file.
- let to_write = false;
+ let to_write = true;
if to_write {
if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
@@ -181,14 +206,18 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
- if correct_ends.get(&top).is_some() {
+ let old_value = correct_ends.get(&top).copied();
+ if matches!(old_value, Some(Correct) | Some(Incorrect)) {
continue 'stack_loop;
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Visited);
let top_label = self.vertex_label(top)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(top))?;
if let Some(end) = top_label.label().end() {
- correct_ends.insert(top, end == pos);
+ correct_ends.insert(top, (end == pos).into());
continue 'stack_loop;
@@ -216,8 +245,8 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
'child_loop: for child in self.children_of(top)? {
match correct_ends.get(&child).copied() {
- Some(true) => {
- correct_ends.insert(top, true);
+ Some(Correct) => {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Correct);
inserted = true;
@@ -232,12 +261,15 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
if has_unexplored_children {
- stack.extend(self.children_of(top)?);
+ stack.extend(
+ self.children_of(top)?
+ .filter(|child| correct_ends.get(child).is_none()),
+ );
} else if !inserted {
- correct_ends.insert(top, false);
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Incorrect);
} else {
- correct_ends.insert(top, false);
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Incorrect);
continue 'stack_loop;
@@ -245,6 +277,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
if top_label.is_packed() {
let mut has_unexplored_children = false;
+ let mut inserted = false;
if to_write {
if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
@@ -255,12 +288,13 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
for child in self.children_of(top)? {
match correct_ends.get(&child).copied() {
- Some(true) => {
+ Some(Correct) => {
// NOTE: This is not recorded in the
// correct orders, as we do not handle
// packed nodes directly.
- correct_ends.insert(top, true);
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Correct);
+ inserted = true;
None => {
has_unexplored_children = true;
@@ -280,9 +314,12 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
if has_unexplored_children {
- stack.extend(self.children_of(top)?);
- } else if correct_ends.get(&top).is_none() {
- correct_ends.insert(top, false);
+ stack.extend(
+ self.children_of(top)?
+ .filter(|child| correct_ends.get(child).is_none()),
+ );
+ } else if !inserted {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Incorrect);
continue 'stack_loop;
@@ -309,7 +346,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
panic!("a terminal node {top} has no ending position?");
Some(TNT::Non(nt)) => {
- correct_ends.insert(top, true);
+ correct_ends.insert(top, Correct);
self.close_pavi(atom.borrow(), PaVi::Virtual(nt, ter, top), pos)?;
@@ -322,7 +359,7 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
Some(end) => end,
- correct_ends.insert(top, end == pos);
+ correct_ends.insert(top, (end == pos).into());
if end == pos {
@@ -341,10 +378,12 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
let last_child = self.nth_child(top, last_index)?;
if let Some(child_correctness_value) = correct_ends.get(&last_child).copied() {
- correct_ends.insert(top, child_correctness_value);
+ if child_correctness_value != Visited {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, child_correctness_value);
- if child_correctness_value {
- order_of_correct_ends.push(top);
+ if child_correctness_value == Correct {
+ order_of_correct_ends.push(top);
+ }
} else {
stack.extend([top, last_child]);
@@ -375,12 +414,6 @@ impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
- let label_label_label = label.label().label();
- assert!(label_label_label.rule().is_none());
- assert!(matches!(label_label_label.tnt(), Some(TNT::Non(_))));
assert_ne!(degree, 0);