path: root/chain/src/archive.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chain/src/archive.txt')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chain/src/archive.txt b/chain/src/archive.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..030ccba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chain/src/archive.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+// Temporary archive
+// let mut seen_nodes: HashSet<usize> = HashSet::with_capacity(stack.len());
+// // dbg!(&stack);
+// // self.forest.print_viz("dbg forest.gv").unwrap();
+// while let Some(mut top) = stack.pop() {
+// if seen_nodes.contains(&top) {
+// continue;
+// }
+// seen_nodes.insert(top);
+// let mut top_label = self
+// .forest
+// .vertex_label(top)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(top))?;
+// if !top_label.is_packed()
+// && matches!(top_label.label().label().tnt(), Some(TNT::Non(_)))
+// && top_label.label().end().is_none()
+// {
+// let degree =;
+// let last_index = if degree > 0 { degree - 1 } else { 0 };
+// let pos = if degree > 0 {
+// let last_child = self.forest.nth_child(top, last_index)?;
+// let last_child_label = self
+// .forest
+// .vertex_label(last_child)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(last_child))?
+// .label();
+// let last_child_end = last_child_label.end();
+// if !matches!(last_child_label.label().rule(),
+// Some(rule) if
+// self
+// .atom
+// .is_accepting(2*rule+1)
+// .map_err(index_out_of_bounds_conversion)?)
+// {
+// continue;
+// }
+// if let Some(pos) = last_child_end {
+// pos
+// } else {
+// stack.extend(self.forest.children_of(last_child)?);
+// continue;
+// }
+// } else {
+// top_label.label().start() + 1
+// };
+// top = self.forest.splone(top, Some(pos), last_index, true)?;
+// top_label = self
+// .forest
+// .vertex_label(top)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(top))?;
+// } else if top_label.is_packed()
+// || top_label.label().label().rule().is_some() && top_label.label().end().is_none()
+// {
+// stack.extend(self.forest.children_of(top)?);
+// }
+// if top_label.clone_index().is_some() {
+// let mut parents = self.forest.parents_of(top)?;
+// if parents.len() != 1 {
+// dbg!(top, top_label, parents.len());
+// self.forest.print_viz("dbg forest.gv").unwrap();
+// panic!("0 parent?");
+// }
+// top =;
+// }
+// stack.extend(self.forest.parents_of(top)?.map(|parent| parent.node()));
+// }
+// extra reduction archive function
+// /// Perform extra reductions.
+// ///
+// /// To be precise, this function first splones the bottom node,
+// /// and then queries the reducer to find the next nodes to splone,
+// /// and repeats this process until either we find the top node, or
+// /// the reducer says to stop.
+// ///
+// /// One nuance to note is that after we splone a node, if we split
+// /// that node, then the splitted node will have a cloned parent,
+// /// see
+// /// [`split_node`][DefaultForest::<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>>::split_node]
+// /// for details. So for each parent pointed out by the reducer,
+// /// we need to find its clone that has the splitted node as a
+// /// child.
+// #[allow(dead_code)]
+// fn extra_reductions(
+// &mut self,
+// botop: BoTop,
+// pos: usize,
+// reducer: &Reducer,
+// atom: &DefaultAtom,
+// ) -> Result<Vec<usize>, Error> {
+// if botop.bottom() == {
+// return Ok(vec![self.node_from_pavi(]);
+// }
+// let top =;
+// let bottom = botop.bottom();
+// let bottom_closed = self.close_pavi(atom.borrow(), bottom, pos)?;
+// let top_node = self.node_from_pavi(top)?;
+// let bottom_node = self.node_from_pavi(bottom)?;
+// let mut stack = vec![(bottom_closed, bottom_node)];
+// // Exclude duplicate nodes to ensure that no infinite
+// // recursion occurs. In the future I shall experiment if this
+// // is necessary, and get rid of this if possible.
+// // let mut seen_nodes: HashSet<usize> = Default::default();
+// let mut result = Vec::new();
+// // NOTE: We must query the reducer by the original nodes,
+// // otherwise the reducer has no chance to know about the new
+// // nodes that were created by a previous iteration here. At
+// // the same time, we must splone a clone of the queried result
+// // which is the parent of the previously sploned node, so that
+// // we are on the right track.
+// //
+// // A summary is that we record both the original node and the
+// // sploned node in the stack, so that we can query by the
+// // original node, and then find the correct clone of the
+// // queried result by means of the sploned node.
+// let mut seen_nodes = HashSet::new();
+// while let Some((bottom_sploned, bottom_original)) = stack.pop() {
+// if seen_nodes.contains(&bottom_original) {
+// continue;
+// }
+// seen_nodes.insert(bottom_original);
+// if pos == 4 {
+// println!("stack popped: {bottom_sploned}, {bottom_original}");
+// }
+// let query_result = reducer.query(bottom_original, top_node);
+// let mut sploned = bottom_sploned;
+// let mut label_set: HashSet<GrammarLabel> = HashSet::with_capacity(query_result.len());
+// if query_result.len() != 0 {
+// if pos == 4 {
+// println!("reducer:");
+// }
+// for node in query_result {
+// if pos == 4 {
+// println!("{node}");
+// }
+// label_set.insert(
+// self.vertex_label(node)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node))?
+// .label(),
+// );
+// }
+// let sploned_label = self
+// .vertex_label(sploned)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(sploned))?;
+// if sploned_label.clone_index().is_some() {
+// let mut parents = self.parents_of(sploned)?;
+// #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+// if parents.len() != 1 {
+// panic!("assumption fails");
+// }
+// sploned =;
+// }
+// // NOTE: We cannot borrow self mutably and immutably
+// // at the same time, so we have to collect the nodes
+// // first.
+// let mut to_splone = Vec::with_capacity(label_set.len());
+// for rule_parent in self.parents_of(sploned)? {
+// if != 1 {
+// panic!("assumption fails");
+// }
+// for parent in self.parents_of(rule_parent.node())? {
+// let parent_node = parent.node();
+// let parent_label = self
+// .vertex_label(parent_node)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(parent_node))?
+// .label();
+// if label_set.contains(&parent_label) {
+// to_splone.push(parent_node);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// for parent_node in to_splone {
+// let degree =;
+// let last_index = std::cmp::max(degree, 1) - 1;
+// let parent_sploned = self.splone(parent_node, Some(pos), last_index, false)?;
+// stack.push((parent_sploned, parent_node));
+// }
+// } else {
+// result.push(bottom_sploned);
+// }
+// }
+// Ok(result)
+// }
+// BoTop is now unused
+// / TODO: Add a hashmap mapping tuples of forest positions (top,
+// / bottom) to vectors of tuples of unsigned integers. Each tuple
+// / represents a non-terminal and a rule. The tuple means that we need
+// / to close the expansion of the non-terminal by the rule position, if
+// / we want to move from bottom to top.
+// /
+// / After we move up one layer, we are now in a new forest position, so
+// / we just query again with the new bottom and top. This means we do
+// / not need to clear the map.
+// / REVIEW: Why is the above needed?
+// // This represents a tuple of bottom and top forest positions.
+// //
+// // It is supposed to be used as keys to query the reduction
+// // information. See the type [`Reducer`] for more details.
+// [derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Default)]
+// ub(crate) struct BoTop {
+// bottom: PaVi,
+// top: PaVi,
+// mpl BoTop {
+// #[allow(dead_code)]
+// pub(crate) fn new(bottom: PaVi, top: PaVi) -> Self {
+// Self { bottom, top }
+// }
+// pub(crate) fn top(&self) -> PaVi {
+// }
+// pub(crate) fn bottom(&self) -> PaVi {
+// self.bottom
+// }
+// FIXME: Fix this outdated documentation.
+// This hashmap records information for performing extra reductions
+// when we insert items.
+// When we want to *jump* from the bottom to the top positions in the
+// forest, we need to perform a set of reductions, in order to jump
+// one layer upwards. After one step, we query again for the next
+// step of reductions to perform.
+// # Reduction format
+// The value records a set of tuples of the form `(non-terminal,
+// starting_position)`. Such a tuple means we want to reduce from
+// the expansion of the given `non-terminal`, which expands from the
+// given starting position. We need to restrict the
+// pub(crate) type Reducer = Map<usize, HashSet<usize>>;
+// /// Check if every child already has an end.
+// fn every_child_is_completed(&self, node_id: usize, atom: &DefaultAtom) -> Result<bool, Error> {
+// let children = self.children_of(node_id)?;
+// if children.len() == 0 {
+// return Ok(true);
+// }
+// let mut pos = self
+// .vertex_label(node_id)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node_id))?
+// .label()
+// .start();
+// let mut last_child_label = None;
+// for child in children {
+// let child_label = self
+// .vertex_label(child)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(child))?
+// .label();
+// last_child_label = Some(child_label);
+// if child_label.start() != pos || child_label.end().is_none() {
+// return Ok(false);
+// }
+// pos = child_label.end().unwrap();
+// }
+// if let Some(label) = last_child_label {
+// if let Some(rule) = label.label().rule() {
+// if !atom
+// .is_accepting(2 * rule + 1)
+// .map_err(|_| Error::IndexOutOfBounds(2 * rule + 1, atom.nodes_len()))?
+// {
+// return Ok(false);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// Ok(true)
+// }
+// /// Complete the forest by trying to set the ending position of
+// /// every node that does not have an end, by the ending position
+// /// of its last child.
+// pub fn complete(&mut self, atom: &DefaultAtom) -> Result<(), Error> {
+// let mut stack: Vec<_> = self
+// .nodes()
+// .filter(|node| {
+// let label = self.vertex_label(*node).unwrap().unwrap().label();
+// label.label().rule().is_some() && label.end().is_some()
+// })
+// .collect();
+// let mut second_stack: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
+// let mut pending_candidates: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
+// let nodes_len = self.nodes_len();
+// let mut seen_nodes: HashSet<usize> = HashSet::with_capacity(nodes_len);
+// while !stack.is_empty() {
+// while let Some(mut top) = stack.pop() {
+// if seen_nodes.contains(&top) {
+// continue;
+// }
+// seen_nodes.insert(top);
+// let top_label = self.vertex_label(top)?.unwrap();
+// if top_label.clone_index().is_some() {
+// let mut top_parents = self.parents_of(top)?;
+// if top_parents.len() != 1 {
+// return Err(Error::InvalidClone(top));
+// }
+// top =;
+// }
+// let rule_parents = self.parents_of(top)?;
+// let candidates = {
+// let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(rule_parents.len());
+// for parent in rule_parents {
+// // for parent in self.parents_of(parent.node())? {
+// // if <= parent.edge() + 1 {
+// result.push(parent);
+// // }
+// // }
+// }
+// result
+// };
+// for candidate in candidates {
+// if matches!(self.vertex_label(candidate.node())?, Some(label) if label.label().end().is_none())
+// {
+// if self.every_child_is_completed(candidate.node(), atom)? {
+// let last_child = self
+// .nth_child(candidate.node(), - 1)?;
+// let end = self
+// .vertex_label(last_child)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(last_child))?
+// .label()
+// .end();
+// let sploned_node = self.splone(
+// candidate.node(),
+// end,
+// - 1,
+// true,
+// )?;
+// second_stack.push(sploned_node);
+// } else {
+// pending_candidates.push(candidate.node());
+// }
+// } else {
+// second_stack.push(candidate.node());
+// }
+// }
+// let mut new_pending = Vec::with_capacity(pending_candidates.len());
+// while let Some(node) = pending_candidates.pop() {
+// if self.every_child_is_completed(node, atom)? {
+// let last_edge = - 1;
+// let last_child = self.nth_child(node, last_edge)?;
+// let end = self
+// .vertex_label(last_child)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(last_child))?
+// .label()
+// .end();
+// let sploned_node = self.splone(node, end, last_edge, true)?;
+// second_stack.push(sploned_node);
+// } else {
+// new_pending.push(node);
+// }
+// }
+// std::mem::swap(&mut pending_candidates, &mut new_pending);
+// }
+// std::mem::swap(&mut stack, &mut second_stack);
+// }
+// Ok(())
+// }
+// /// Unconditionally set the label of the node to be the new label.
+// ///
+// /// # Warning
+// ///
+// /// Use with caution: it does not do anything special, so it is
+// /// the responsibility of the caller to ensure this operation is
+// /// legal.
+// #[allow(dead_code)]
+// pub(crate) fn set_label(&mut self, node: usize, label: GrammarLabel) -> Result<(), Error> {
+// let status = self
+// .vertex_label(node)?
+// .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node))?
+// .status;
+// let label = ForestLabel::new(label, status);
+// let mut builder = PLGBuilderMut::from_graph_mut(&mut self.graph);
+// builder.set_label(node, label)?;
+// Ok(())
+// }
+// /// Extract the node from `pavi`.
+// ///
+// /// If pavi is a parent, this returns the child pointed to by the
+// /// represented edge.
+// ///
+// /// If pavi is a virtual node, this simply returns the virtual
+// /// node.
+// ///
+// /// If pavi is empty, this returns the root, unless the forest is
+// /// empty.
+// ///
+// /// # Guarantee
+// ///
+// /// The returned node is guaranteed to be a valid node.
+// pub(crate) fn node_from_pavi(&self, pavi: PaVi) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+// match pavi {
+// PaVi::Parent(_node, _edge, child) => Ok(child),
+// PaVi::Virtual(_, _, node) => {
+// if node >= self.nodes_len() {
+// return Err(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(node, self.nodes_len()));
+// }
+// Ok(node)
+// }
+// PaVi::Empty => Ok(self.root().ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds(0, 0))?),
+// }
+// }