path: root/chain/src/item/
diff options
authorJSDurand <>2023-06-18 15:03:34 +0800
committerJSDurand <>2023-06-18 15:03:34 +0800
commita80db17473ff09cc72acba2c1975101e6dbedf39 (patch)
tree4d5dfcdfcd1537b51b92349d9a5274aa90a6d110 /chain/src/item/
parent6ce44bb3bdb79e8e727ee6fc7f5c6cd7fa0bb51e (diff)
fixed the bugs of node duplications and left-open nodes
There were two main issues in the previous version. One is that there are lots of duplications of nodes when manipulating the forest. This does not mean that labels repeat: by the use of the data type this cannot happen. What happened is that there were cloned nodes whose children are exactly equal. In this case there is no need to clone that node in the first place. This is now fixed by checking carefully before cloning, so that we do not clone unnecessary nodes. The other issue, which is perhaps more important, is that there are nodes which are not closed. This means that when there should be a reuction of grammar rules, the forest does not mark the corresponding node as already reduced. The incorrect forests thus caused is hard to fix: I tried several different approaches to fix it afterwards, but all to no avail. I also tried to record enough information to fix these nodes during the manipulations. It turned out that recording nodes is a dead end, as I cannot properly syncronize the information in the forest and the information in the chain-rule machine. Any inconsistencies will result in incorrect operations later on. The approach I finally adapt is to perform every possible reduction at each step. This might lead to some more nodes than what we need. But those are technically expected to be there after all, and it is easy to filter them out, so it is fine, from my point of view at the moment. Therefore, what remains is to filter those nodes out and connect it to the holy Emacs. :D
Diffstat (limited to 'chain/src/item/')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chain/src/item/ b/chain/src/item/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89306e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chain/src/item/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+//! This module implements the operation of reductions on the forest.
+//! # What are reductions
+//! To explain this in detail, we first investigate the
+//! nullable-closure process, then discuss what reduction is and what
+//! it means in the chain-rule machine, and then explain the problem.
+//! ## Nullable-closure process
+//! In the process of running the chain-rule machine, we will collapse
+//! edges, in the sense that, if there is an edge from node a to node
+//! b and another from node b to node c, and if the edge from node a
+//! to node b is "nullable", that is if the edge corresponds to a
+//! position in the atomic language that is deemed nullable by the
+//! atomic language, then we also make an edge from node a to node c.
+//! The purpose of this process of forming the nullable closure is to
+//! ensure that the chain-rule machine can save the time to traverse
+//! the entire machine to find the nullable closure later on. But a
+//! side-effect of this process is that reductions are not explicitly
+//! marked.
+//! Note that we must perform this nullable closure process in order
+//! that the time complexity of the chain-rule machine lies within the
+//! cubic bound.
+//! ## Three types of actions
+//! We can imagine a "traditional parser generator" as a stack
+//! machine: there are three types of actions associated with it,
+//! depending on the current state and the current input token. The
+//! first is expansion: it means that we are expanding from a
+//! non-terminal, by some rule. The second is a normal push: we just
+//! continue parsing according to the current rule. The final one is
+//! reduction: it means the current expansion from a non-terminal has
+//! terminated and we go back to the previous level of expansion.
+//! ## Relation to the chain-rule machine
+//! For our chain-rule machine, expansion means to create a new node
+//! pointing at the current node, forming a path with one more length.
+//! A normal push means to create a new node that points to the target
+//! of an edge going out from the current node, which was not created
+//! by the process of forming nullable closures. And the reduction
+//! means to create a new node that points to the target of an edge
+//! going out from the current node, which *was* created by the
+//! process of forming nullable closures.
+//! # Problem
+//! As can be seen from the previous paragraph, the distinction
+//! between a normal push and a reduction in the chain-rule machine is
+//! simply whether or not the original edge was created by the process
+//! of forming nullable closures. For the chain-rule machine, this
+//! does not matter: it can function well. For the formation of the
+//! derivation forest, however, this is not so well: we cannot
+//! read-off immediately whether or not to perform reductions from the
+//! chain-rule machine.
+//! # Solutions
+//! I tried some solutions to solve this problem.
+//! ## Complete at the end
+//! The first idea I tried is to find the nodes that were not closed
+//! properly and fill in the needed reductions, at the end of the
+//! parse. This idea did not end up well, as we already lost a lot of
+//! information at the end of the parse, so it becomes quite difficult
+//! to know on which nodes we need to perform reductions.
+//! ## Record precise information
+//! The next idea is to record the nodes that were skipped by the
+//! nullable-closure process, and then when we encounter a skipped
+//! segment, we perform the reductions there. This idea sounds
+//! feasible at first, but it turns out that we cannot track the nodes
+//! properly. That is, when running the chain-rule machine, we will
+//! split and clone nodes from time to time. A consequence is that
+//! the old node numbers that were recorded previously will not be
+//! correct afterwards. This means we cannot know exactly which
+//! reductions to perform later.
+//! ## Guided brute-force
+//! Now I am trying out the third idea. The motivation is simple: if
+//! we cannot properly track nodes, then we track no nodes. Then, in
+//! order to perform reductions, we do not distinguish between
+//! necessary reductions and unnecessary reductions, and perform all
+//! possible reductions. In other words, when we are about to plant a
+//! new node in the forest, we first check the last child of the
+//! to-be-parent. If it is properly closed, we do nothing.
+//! Otherwise, we recursively descend into its children(s) to find all
+//! last children, and perform all possible valid reductions.
+use super::*;
+use crate::{
+ atom::{Atom, DefaultAtom},
+ default::Error,
+ item::default::DefaultForest,
+use grammar::{GrammarLabel, TNT};
+use graph::Graph;
+use std::collections::HashMap as Map;
+impl DefaultForest<ForestLabel<GrammarLabel>> {
+ /// Perform reduction at last descendents of `node`.
+ ///
+ /// # Parameters
+ ///
+ /// The parameter `pos` is the next starting position. It is used
+ /// to find the descendents that need reductions: only those nodes
+ /// which have descendents with the correct ending positions will
+ /// receive reductions.
+ ///
+ /// The parameter `atom` is used to know which rule numbers are
+ /// deemed as accepting. Only accepting rule numbers can receive
+ /// reductions: this is the definition of being accepting.
+ ///
+ /// The parameter `ter` is used to fill in segments for virtual
+ /// nodes if they are found along the way.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// 1. Index out of bounds: some node number is corrupted.
+ /// 2. Node has no label: some node label is lost.
+ pub(crate) fn reduction(
+ &mut self,
+ node: usize,
+ pos: usize,
+ ter: usize,
+ atom: &DefaultAtom,
+ ) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ let mut result = node;
+ // step 1: Determine if this needs reductions.
+ if self.root() == Some(node) {
+ return Ok(result);
+ }
+ // REVIEW: Do we need to check the end matches the position?
+ let mut node_label = self
+ .vertex_label(node)?
+ .ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node))?
+ .label();
+ if node_label.end().is_some() {
+ return Ok(result);
+ }
+ // step 2: Find descendents that need reductions.
+ let mut correct_ends: Map<usize, bool> = Default::default();
+ let mut order_of_correct_ends: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
+ let mut stack: Vec<usize> = vec![node];
+ let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new().append(true).open("debug.log");
+ use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, io::Write};
+ // Whether or not to write a debug file.
+ let to_write = false;
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("beginning, pos = {pos}, node = {node}\n").as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ 'stack_loop: while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("top: {top}\n").as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ if correct_ends.get(&top).is_some() {
+ continue 'stack_loop;
+ }
+ let top_label = self.vertex_label(top)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(top))?;
+ if let Some(end) = top_label.label().end() {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, end == pos);
+ continue 'stack_loop;
+ }
+ if let Some(rule) = top_label.label().label().rule() {
+ // A rule node is not considered directly: it should
+ // be affected by its child implicitly.
+ //
+ // We only consider a rule node if it is deemed
+ // accepting by the atom.
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("{}: {rule}, {stack:?}\n", line!()).as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ if atom
+ .is_accepting(rule * 2 + 1)
+ .map_err(|_| Error::IndexOutOfBounds(2 * rule + 1, atom.accepting_len()))?
+ {
+ let mut has_unexplored_children = false;
+ let mut inserted = false;
+ 'child_loop: for child in self.children_of(top)? {
+ match correct_ends.get(&child).copied() {
+ Some(true) => {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, true);
+ inserted = true;
+ }
+ None => {
+ has_unexplored_children = true;
+ break 'child_loop;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if has_unexplored_children {
+ stack.push(top);
+ stack.extend(self.children_of(top)?);
+ } else if !inserted {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, false);
+ }
+ continue 'stack_loop;
+ }
+ if top_label.is_packed() {
+ let mut has_unexplored_children = false;
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("{}: packed, {stack:?}\n", line!()).as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ for child in self.children_of(top)? {
+ match correct_ends.get(&child).copied() {
+ Some(true) => {
+ // NOTE: This is not recorded in the
+ // correct orders, as we do not handle
+ // packed nodes directly.
+ correct_ends.insert(top, true);
+ }
+ None => {
+ has_unexplored_children = true;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(
+ format!("{}: packed, {has_unexplored_children}\n", line!()).as_bytes(),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ if has_unexplored_children {
+ stack.push(top);
+ stack.extend(self.children_of(top)?);
+ } else if correct_ends.get(&top).is_none() {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, false);
+ }
+ continue 'stack_loop;
+ }
+ let degree =;
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("{}: degree = {degree}\n", line!()).as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ let last_index = if degree != 0 {
+ degree - 1
+ } else {
+ // a leaf is supposed to be a terminal node and hence
+ // should have an ending position
+ let end = match top_label.label().end() {
+ None => match top_label.label().label().tnt() {
+ Some(TNT::Ter(_)) => {
+ panic!("a terminal node {top} has no ending position?");
+ }
+ Some(TNT::Non(nt)) => {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, true);
+ self.close_pavi(atom.borrow(), PaVi::Virtual(nt, ter, top), pos)?;
+ continue 'stack_loop;
+ }
+ None => {
+ unreachable!("we already handled the rule case above");
+ }
+ },
+ Some(end) => end,
+ };
+ correct_ends.insert(top, end == pos);
+ if end == pos {
+ order_of_correct_ends.push(top);
+ }
+ continue 'stack_loop;
+ };
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("{}: last = {last_index}\n", line!()).as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ let last_child = self.nth_child(top, last_index)?;
+ if let Some(child_correctness_value) = correct_ends.get(&last_child).copied() {
+ correct_ends.insert(top, child_correctness_value);
+ if child_correctness_value {
+ order_of_correct_ends.push(top);
+ }
+ } else {
+ stack.extend([top, last_child]);
+ }
+ }
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(
+ format!("{}: orders = {order_of_correct_ends:?}\n", line!()).as_bytes(),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ // step 3: perform reductions by `splone`.
+ //
+ // NOTE: We must fix the order from top to bottom: this is the
+ // reverse order of `order_of_correct_ends` .
+ for node in order_of_correct_ends.into_iter().rev() {
+ let label = self.vertex_label(node)?.ok_or(Error::NodeNoLabel(node))?;
+ let degree =;
+ if !matches!(label.label().label().tnt(), Some(TNT::Non(_))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ let label_label_label = label.label().label();
+ assert!(label_label_label.rule().is_none());
+ assert!(matches!(label_label_label.tnt(), Some(TNT::Non(_))));
+ assert!(label.label().end().is_none());
+ assert_ne!(degree, 0);
+ }
+ let last_index = degree - 1;
+ self.splone(node, Some(pos), last_index, false)?;
+ }
+ node_label.set_end(pos);
+ if let Some(packed) =
+ self.query_label(ForestLabel::new(node_label, ForestLabelType::Packed))
+ {
+ result = packed;
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("{}: packed = {packed}\n", line!()).as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(plain) =
+ self.query_label(ForestLabel::new(node_label, ForestLabelType::Plain))
+ {
+ result = plain;
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(format!("{}: plain = {plain}\n", line!()).as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if to_write {
+ if let Ok(ref mut file) = file.borrow_mut() {
+ file.write_all(&[101, 110, 100, 10]).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }