path: root/basic.el
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-17basic: use entire map when switching projectsJSDurand
* basic.el (project-switch-use-entire-map): This is quite convenient.
2023-06-12basic: `find-function-on-key`JSDurand
* basic.el (help-map): Bind `find-function-on-key` to 'M-f' in the help-mode so that I can access this helpful functionality easily.
2023-02-21basic: use `eval-after-load`JSDurand
* basic.el (Info-directory-list): It seems better to use `eval-after-load'.
2023-01-07emacs-29 changesJSDurand
These are some changes when I migrate to emacs version 29.
2022-12-30basic: use ripgrep for grepJSDurand
* basic.el (xref-search-program): Use ripgrep for grep. This is supposed to be faster than the built-in grep on macOS.
2022-12-23basic: don't kill pdf-info buffersJSDurand
2022-11-18basic: clear invisible buffersJSDurand
One day I found that my Emacs had accumulated a bunch of invisible buffers. So I want to make sure I have a convenient way to clean up invisible buffers easily, once the need arises. * basic.el (durand-invisible-buffer-unsafe-regex): A regular expression that matches some buffers that are not to be killed automatically. (durand-clear-invisible-buffers): Kill invisible buffers that are not important. (global-map): Bind the function to "C-c k".
2022-11-17basic: stop creating a scratch buffer when not demandedJSDurand
* basic.el (durand-read-buffer-to-switch, #'read-buffer-to-switch): The default behaviour of read-buffer-to-switch creates a scratch buffer, if there is no other good buffer to switch to. But this is not what I demand, and is oft a surprise to me. If there is no other buffer to switch to, just present me with the current buffer. The modified version does just this.
2022-08-28basic: delete associated timers to pdf-view-modeJSDurand
* basic.el (durand-kill-current-buffer): Modify this funcion so that the associated timers to PDF files are also killed at the time of deletion.
2022-02-04basic: clean up and add language environmentJSDurand
* basic.el ("UTF-8"): set-language-environment should be enough to use the UTF-8 encoding by default. I think I don't need this setting in fact. But adding this won't make things worse, I suppose.
2022-01-15clean up things & go to parent in file name completionJSDurand
* basic.el (durand-delete-goto-parent-dir) (minibuffer-local-filename-completion-map): The DEL key goes to the parent directory when the cursor is before a forward slash representing a directory name. This is bound in the keymap that is only used when completing file names. * flymake-conf.el (flymake-mode-map): Bind keys to the s-m prefix. Also clean up the file. * init.el (eshell): Start tracking time immediately. (global-map, prepare-flymake): Prepare loading flymake by a keybinding.
2021-12-10basic: capslock becomes hyperJSDurand
* basic.el (input-decode-map, key-translation-map): I was used to press fn key as the hyper modifier. But after an update of the operating system, for some reason the fn key activates some shortcuts combined with some other keys. For example, fn+a activates the "dock" and fn+n activates a "control center" of sorts. I use H-a for org-agenda and H-n for reading novels. Both are frequently used key-bindings. The most unfortunate is that I cannot find a way to deactivate these shortcuts. So I am forced to find other key-bindings. It turns out that I didn't use the capslock for any useful bindings yet, thus I guess this is a perfect fit.
2021-11-09* basic.el (global-map): Disable "iconify-frame"JSDurand
2021-09-06bind ESC to apply meta!JSDurand
META is more important than CONTROL, since, for example, M-x is most conveniently input using META-x. With M-x, one can literally input any command we want, so it is per chance the most important modifier, after all.
2021-08-17new function: durand-copy-line-dwimJSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): Bind to "s-;". * common.el (durand-copy-line-dwim): This meets my needs to copy or duplicate lines.
2021-08-16Display Gnus in a separate tabJSDurand
The separation of Gnus into a tab means I can better handle the mails and deal with them without interrupting my other activities. * basic.el (display-buffer-alist): This creates the tab to display * GNUS. * gnus-conf.el (durand-display-gnus, gnus): This buries the original buffer and calls the previous function. And gnus is after-adviced by this function. This is needed since gnus calls `switch-to-buffer' instead of `display-buffer' internally. (durand-gnus-kill-tab): The kill-tab function kills the tab, if it is present. (durand-gnus-quit, gnus-group-mode-map): Bury the buffer and kills the tab. Bind to the original "q" key. (gnus-exit-gnus-hook): Call the kill-tab function in this hook.
2021-08-12fix: sentence-end-double-spaceJSDurand
* basic.el (sentence-end-double-space): I used to erroneously set this to nil.
2021-08-11fix: basic - bookmark-fontifyJSDurand
* basic.el (bookmark-fontify): This Emacs-28-specific option is annoying to me, as it causes an overlay to appear which is not so easy to dismiss immediately.
2021-08-08Bind H-e to eshell as well.JSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): The old binding "C-c v e" is too troublesome.
2021-08-01change: Bind view-mode to s-vJSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): The key (vector ?\s-v) was bound to `durand-focus-completion-or-minibuffer', but I found that I seldom use that functionality, so I bind it to the more frequently used `view-mode' instead.
2021-06-22basic: yet another bury-buffer bindingJSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): "H-q" is a better binding since "C-s-b" takes too many keystrokes in my opinion.
2021-06-22basic: bury-buffer bindingJSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): Bind C-s-b to bury-buffer. I found this function more and more important.
2021-06-05basic: sentence-end-double-spaceJSDurand
* basic.el (sentence-end-double-space): Two spaces after the end of sentences can distinguish between the end of a sentence and words that end with a period, such as abbreviations. So I prefer to put two spaces after the end of sentences now.
2021-06-04basic: Preserve system clipboardJSDurand
2021-04-18Repeat is wonderfulJSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): Bind repeat to s-z. It is wonderful to be able to repeat a command occasionally.
2021-04-11Hyper experimentJSDurand
Adding some hyper key-bindings. * basic.el (ns-right-alternate-modifier): (ns-function-modifier): (ns-pop-up-frames): (ns-use-native-fullscreen): (ns-use-proxy-icon): (global-map): * org-conf.el (global-map): * view-conf.el (durand-view-map):
2021-03-06Disable C-zJSDurand
It is annoying to press that key-binding by accident, as that will minimize Emacs.
2021-03-03Completion for yankJSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): Bind it. * common.el (yank-complete-rotated-kill-ring): Rotating the kill ring so that the last kill is at the top. (yank-complete-history): History variable. (yank-complete): Use `completing-read' for choosing some text that was killed before.
2021-02-26Bind zap-up-to-char and a key to conveniently exit elfeed.JSDurand
* basic.el (global-map): Bind zap-up-to-char. * elfeed-conf.el (elfeed-search-mode-map): (elfeed-search-exit): Bind a key to conveniently exit elfeed.
2021-02-25bidi, super, and rlist-verbose.JSDurand
* basic.el (bidi-paragraph-direction): (bidi-inhibit-bpa): Setting the direction of the text to speed redisplay up. (global-map): Use bitwise or with (ash 1 23) to have the effect of super. * init.el ("rlist"): List all the contents of the registers.
2021-02-22More configurationsJSDurand
Now TeX and elfeed are roughly configured.
2021-02-08Constantly growingJSDurand
A lot of improvements.
2021-01-29Change the directory to .emacs.d now.JSDurand
Now I don't have to use a special command to launch Emacs. And the configuration files are placed in the normal position now.
2021-01-27Further configurationsJSDurand
* basic.el (eval-expression-print-length): (eval-expression-print-level): Now echo are will print without limits. (winner): Enable winner-mode at start up. (input-decode-map): (key-translation-map): Translate ESC to make the following key modified by control. (bookmark-completing-read): (durand-bookmark-completing-read): Now it won't ask me for confirmation about my choices. * init.el ("durand-chercher-pdf"): Further enhance the convenience of viewing PDFs. ("embark-conf.el"): Now I don't use embark anymore. * view-conf.el (durand-view-map): Add my own way of viewing things. (durand-open-targets): These are the things I can open. (durand-open-object): Open things quickly.
2021-01-24More custom functions and adjust for custom completion frameworkJSDurand
* LICENSE: Add GPLv3. * basic.el (durand-enlarge-window): (durand-shrink-window): (durand-enlarge-window-horizontally): (durand-shrink-window-horizontally): Now I can easily maximize or minimize windows. * comb/orderless-conf.el ("orderless"): Now I try to use my own completion framework. * common.el (durand-embark-scroll-down-or-go-to-completions): (durand-embark-scroll-up-or-go-to-completions): (durand-completion-scroll-down-or-go-to-minibuffer): (durand-completion-scroll-up-or-go-to-minibuffer): Move these functions here since they do not belong to the completion framework in my opinion. (register): (register-val-jump-to): Rewrite this method so that it does not have to ask me if I want to open a file while jumping. * completion-conf.el: My intended completion framework, which is still work in progress. * init.el ("comb/orderless-conf.el"): ("completion-conf.el"): Adjust things accordingly. ("durand-simple"): My custom functions for viewing and for opening things. * modeline.el (modeline-propertize): (modeline-format-minor-modes): (modeline-format-major-mode): Now the macro `modeline-propertize' won't override properties that it does not intend to define. This has the effect that the properties of the original constructs will go through and have effect. (modeline-format-main): Make sure the space has a positive length. (modeline-format-buffer-name): Make sure the length does not exceed half the width of the window.
2021-01-22Regular updatesJSDurand
In the course of configuring Emacs there are numerous changes to make. This is one regular step.
2021-01-20More QoL changesJSDurand
* basic.el (auto-fill-function): Hide auto-fill-function from the mode line. (auto-revert-mode): Hide auto-revert-mode from the mode line. * common.el (durand-hide-minor-mode): Use a simple macro to facilitate hiding. * elisp.el (eldoc-mode): Use a macro to hide instead. * eww-conf.el (eww-bookmarks-directory): Start Configuring EWW. * init.el ("durand-simple"): My simple utilities. ("search-conf.el"): Configuring searching. * search-conf.el (search-whitespace-regexp): White space as wild cards (isearch-lax-whitespace): as above (isearch-lazy-count): Count the matches (isearch-allow-scroll): Scrolling while searching (durand-search-replace-symbol): For quick refactoring * text-conf.el (assq): Hide using the macro instead.
2021-01-17Tweak more things.JSDurand
* basic.el (recenter-positions): In effect nothing changed. (prot-pulse-line): Puling the line. (pulse): Useful built-in library. (durand-pulse-pulse-line): My own tweak. (durand-pulse-recenter-top): Recenter and pulse. * init.el (prepare-in-hook-once): Make it interactive. (global-map): Add Org-mode bindings. ("durand-chercher-pdf"): Search PDFs quickly. * modeline.el (modeline-format-left): Remove the vertical bar. * org-conf.el (org-adapt-indentation) (org-modules) (org-hide-emphasis-markers) (org-hide-macro-markers) (org-hide-leading-stars): Steal some configurations from Protesilaos. (global-map) (org-mode-map): Add Org-mode bindings. (durand-pulse-pulse-line): (org-follow-link-hook): Pulse and recenter when following the link.
2021-01-16Some QoL changesJSDurand
* basic.el (set-mark-command-repeat-pop): Repeat poping * tab-conf.el (durand-switch-tab-dwim): Show the default tab to close in the prompt.
2021-01-16My customized kill-buffer behaviourJSDurand
This can facilitate killing both the buffer and its window, when there are multiple windows. It is bound to s-k now, which was bound to `kill-current-buffer' by default.
2021-01-14A temporary bug fixJSDurand
There are more bugs unfortunately.
2021-01-13A temporary intermeidate stepJSDurand
Now I got almost every functionality that we need, including pdf, mu4e, magit, et cetera.
2021-01-09temporary stateJSDurand
2020-12-24More progessJSDurand
2020-12-22Initial commitJSDurand