#+TITLE: Plan of the package #+AUTHOR: Durand #+DATE: <2023-05-07 Dim 00:03> * Things to do [0/4] - [ ] Design an incremental format to encode forests [0/3] + [ ] The format consists of a sequence of "actions". Each action modifies the graph as a unit. For example, adding a vertex and edges are actions, and cloning a node can be an action as well. + [ ] The format has two functions that specific readers / writers should implement. For example, the forests for the chain-rule machine can implement the two functions. In the trait, the implementer can choose which actions are availabel, and how each action modifies the graph. + [ ] Maybe each stored file can choose to include the final graph, so that the displayer has the option to display only the final graph without going through all modifications just to produce the final graph. - [ ] Implement serialization - [ ] Implement de-serialization - [ ] Implement display of graphs + [ ] Implement a graph display "server" that determines the coordinates to be drawn on the canvas. + [ ] Implement a graph display client, perhaps in Emacs, that actually executes the display instructions.