Requirements of an editor for Kui Yo to use =========================================== FORMAT ------ Let's say I want to require the editor to have the key-binding that runs command F by pressing key K. Then just write as follows. - key: "K" => "F" Now one might not know the name of the command in need. So one can "define" a command by a description, as follows. - def: "F" <= DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE ------- An example is easier to understand. Suppose I want that pressing "C-x m", which means "control-x m", has the effect of copying the current line and pasting it below the current line. Then I can write: - def: "copy line below" <= copying the current line and pasting it below the current line - key: "C-x m" => "copy line below" REQUIREMENTS ------------ Now let's start the journey. Test - def: "copy line below" <= copying the current line and pasting it below the current line - def: "yank" <= The terminology for "paste" in Emacs - def: "undo-only" <= Only undo changes made by the user, not changes introduced by previous undo'es - key: "C-x" => "kill-region" - key: "C-c" => "kill-ring-save" - key: "C-v" => "yank" - key: "C-z" => "undo-only"