EPS -- Emacs Parsers ******************** Copyright (C) 2021 by JSDurand Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without warranty of any kind. About ===== Similar projects ================ Some similar projects are listed below, along with some comparisons between this project and them. - Tree-sitter This is a famous project, and I think it is really cool. But my goal is to provide the user with an "interactive tool" to manipulate different context-free grammars, whereas Tree-sitter compiles the grammars to static codes. In addition, Tree-sitter implements the algorithm "GLR", which is an abbreviation of "Generalized Left-to-right (reversed) Right-most" algorithm. It is in my humble opinion the most wide-spread generalized parsing algorithm that has been implemented in other places as well. On the other hand, my aim is to implement many parsing algorithms. Right now I have only implemented the variant of the "GLL" algorithm, called the "Clustered Non-terminal Parsing" algorithm, but in the future I hope I will implement many more. - Emacs-Parser-Generator This package seems interesting, as its whole codes are written in Emacs Lisp.