;;; modeline.el --- Configurations for the mode line. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2021 李俊緯 ;; Author: 李俊緯 ;; Keywords: emulations, tools ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This configures my mode line. ;;; Code: ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-main () "The main mode line format." (let* ((left (modeline-format-left)) (right (modeline-format-right)) (left-len (string-width left)) (right-len (string-width right)) (middle (propertize " " 'display (make-string (max (- (window-total-width) left-len right-len) 0) 32)))) (concat left middle right))) (setq-default mode-line-format '("%e" (:eval (modeline-format-main)))) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-dashboard () "The mode line format for the dashboard." (let* ((left (modeline-dashboard-format-left)) (right (modeline-dashboard-format-right)) (left-len (length left)) (right-len (length right)) (middle (propertize " " 'display (make-string (max (- (window-total-width) left-len right-len) 0) 32)))) (concat left middle right))) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-dashboard-format-left () "The left / main part of the mode line for the dashboard." (concat (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-directory) (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-minor-modes))) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-dashboard-format-right () "The right part of the mode line for the dashboard." (declare (side-effect-free t) (pure t)) (let ((face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode) ('mode-line-inactive)))) (concat (modeline-propertize (format-mode-line global-mode-string face)) (modeline-spc)))) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-left () "The left mode line format." (concat (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-buffer-status) (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-buffer-name) (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-position) (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-buffer-size) (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-keycast) (modeline-spc) (modeline-format-minor-modes))) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-right () "The right mode line format." (concat (modeline-format-input-method) (modeline-format-major-mode) (modeline-format-vc-mode))) ;;; Calculate the correct lengths of characters ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-length (str) "Return the length of STR. Characters that take up more than one column will be counted with 1.7 columns." (declare (side-effect-free t) (pure t) (obsolete string-width "2021-12-19 13:51:30.332234")) (let ((len 0)) (mapc (lambda (char) (let ((name (get-char-code-property char 'name)) (decomposition (get-char-code-property char 'decomposition))) (cond ((or (and (stringp name) (string-match (rx-to-string '(seq bos "CJK")) name)) (eq (car decomposition) 'wide)) (setq len (+ len 1.7))) ((setq len (1+ len)))))) str) (floor len))) ;;; Conveniently add text properties ;;;###autoload (defmacro modeline-propertize (str &optional mouse-face help-echo map) "Give STR appropriate text properties. MOUSE-FACE is used when the mouse is over the text. HELP-ECHO is the additional information displayed when the mouse is over the text. MAP is the local keymap of the text." (let ((mouse-face (or mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)) (help-echo-form (cond (help-echo (list (quote 'help-echo) help-echo)))) (map-form (cond (map (list (quote 'local-map) map))))) (append `(propertize ,str 'mouse-face ',mouse-face) help-echo-form map-form))) ;;; Determination of the active mode-line ;; NOTE: I tried to avoid this, but it turns out that this is the most ;; reliable way to do so. ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-get-active-window (&optional frame) "The active window excluding the child windows." (cond ((and (fboundp #'frame-parent) (frame-parent frame)) (frame-selected-window (frame-parent frame))) ((frame-selected-window frame)))) ;;;###autoload (defvar modeline-active-window (modeline-get-active-window) "The active window excluding the child windows.") ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-active-window-p () "Whether we are in the active window." (and modeline-active-window (eq modeline-active-window (selected-window)))) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-set-active-window (&rest _) "Update `modeline-active-window'." (let ((active-wn (modeline-get-active-window))) (cond ((minibuffer-window-active-p active-wn)) (t (setq modeline-active-window active-wn)))) (force-mode-line-update t)) ;;;###autoload (defsubst modeline-unset-active-window (&rest _) "Set `modeline-active-window' to `nil'." (setq modeline-active-window nil)) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-refresh-modeline () "Refresh the focus state of the mode line." (setq modeline-active-window nil) (mapc (lambda (frame) (cond ((eq (frame-focus-state frame) t) (setq modeline-active-window (modeline-get-active-window frame))))) (frame-list))) (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'modeline-set-active-window) (add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'modeline-set-active-window) (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'modeline-set-active-window) (add-hook 'delete-frame-functions #'modeline-set-active-window) (advice-add #'handle-switch-frame :after #'modeline-set-active-window) (add-function :after after-focus-change-function #'modeline-refresh-modeline) ;;; Faces ;; NOTE: These faces are not actually defined here. ;; They are found here simply because they need to have a formal declaration to work. ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-buffer-modified nil "The face for mode line buffer identification.") ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-warning nil "The face for mode line warning.") ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-urgent nil "The face for mode line urgent.") ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-info nil "The face for mode line info.") ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode nil "The face for mode line major mode.") ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-input-method nil "The face for mode line input method.") ;;;###autoload (defface doom-modeline-input-method-alt nil "The alternative face for mode line input method.") ;;; Various sections of the mode line ;;;; Directory ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-directory () "Display the default directory on the mode line." (modeline-propertize (propertize default-directory 'face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) (t 'mode-line-inactive))) nil "The current directory\nmouse-1: Open that directory" (let ((map '(keymap))) (define-key map (vector 'mode-line 'down-mouse-1) (lambda () (interactive) (dired default-directory))) map))) ;;;; Space ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-spc () "A space with the appropriate face." (format-mode-line " " (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) (t 'mode-line-inactive)))) ;;;; Buffer status ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-buffer-status () "The status of the buffer displayed on the mode-line." (let ((active-p (modeline-active-window-p))) (concat ;; modified or not (cond ((and buffer-file-name (buffer-modified-p)) (format-mode-line "M" (cond (active-p 'compilation-error) (t 'mode-line-inactive))))) ;; read-only? (cond (buffer-read-only (format-mode-line "R" (cond (active-p 'modus-themes-fg-cyan-intense) (t 'mode-line-inactive))))) ;; narrow? (cond ((buffer-narrowed-p) (format-mode-line "N" (cond (active-p 'compilation-warning) (t 'mode-line-inactive)))))))) ;;;; Buffer position ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-position () "The position of the cursor to be displayed in the mode line." (cond ((derived-mode-p 'pdf-view-mode) (concat (modeline-propertize (propertize (let* ((current (pdf-view-current-page)) (total (pdf-info-number-of-pages)) ) (concat "P." (number-to-string current) "/" (number-to-string total))) 'face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) (t 'mode-line-inactive))) nil "Current page / Total pages"))) (t (modeline-propertize (propertize (let* ((lc (format-mode-line "%l:%C ")) (percent (format-mode-line "%p"))) (concat lc (cond ((eq (aref percent 0) 32) (concat (substring percent 1) "%")) ((memq (aref percent 0) (number-sequence 48 57)) (concat percent "%")) ((> (length percent) 3) (substring percent 0 3)) (t percent)))) 'face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) (t 'mode-line-inactive))) nil "Buffer position\nmouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu" mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map)))) ;;;; Buffer size ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-buffer-size () "The size of the buffer to be displayed in the mode line." (modeline-propertize (format-mode-line (file-size-human-readable (string-to-number (format-mode-line "%i"))) (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) (t 'mode-line-inactive))) nil "Buffer size\nmouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu" mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map)) ;;;; Minor modes ;;;###autoload (defvar modeline-minor-modes-name-len-max 150 "The maximal length for the display of minor modes in the mode line.") ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-minor-modes () "Display some minor modes information." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (modeline-propertize (let* ((raw (format-mode-line minor-mode-alist (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) ('mode-line-inactive)))) (ellipsis (format-mode-line "..." (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) ('mode-line-inactive)))) (orig (cond ((and (not (string= raw "")) (= (aref raw 0) 32)) (substring raw 1)) (raw)))) (truncate-string-to-width orig modeline-minor-modes-name-len-max 0 nil ellipsis)) nil "Minor mode mouse-1: Display minor mode menu mouse-2: Show help for minor mode mouse-3: Toggle minor modes" mode-line-minor-mode-keymap)) ;; NOTE: The minor mode menu does not work with my custom mode line. ;;;###autoload (defun durand-mouse-minor-mode-menu (event) "Show minor-mode menu for EVENT on minor modes area of the mode line. Modified for my custom mode line." (interactive "@e") (let* ((string-obj (nth 4 (car (cdr event)))) (str (car string-obj)) (str-pos (cdr string-obj)) invalid indicator) (cond ((string= str "") (setq invalid t)) ((= (aref str str-pos) 32) (setq str-pos (1+ str-pos)))) (cond (invalid) ((= (aref str str-pos) 32)) (t (let* ((orig str-pos) (start str-pos) (end str-pos)) (while (and (>= start 0) (/= (aref str start) 32)) (setq start (1- start))) (while (and (< end (length str)) (/= (aref str end) 32)) (setq end (1+ end))) (setq indicator (substring-no-properties str (1+ start) end)) (minor-mode-menu-from-indicator indicator)))))) (advice-add 'mouse-minor-mode-menu :override #'durand-mouse-minor-mode-menu) ;;;; Keycast (defun modeline-format-keycast () "Format the keycast information." (declare (side-effect-free t)) (cond ((bound-and-true-p durand-keycast-mode) (modeline-propertize (format-mode-line mode-line-keycast) nil "Minor mode mouse-1: Display minor mode menu mouse-2: Show help for minor mode mouse-3: Toggle minor modes" mode-line-minor-mode-keymap)))) ;;;; Buffer name ;;;###autoload (defvar modeline-buffer-name-len-max 40 "The maximal length of the name of the buffer to be displayed in the mode line.") (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1] #'ibuffer) (setq mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap map)) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-buffer-name () "The name of the buffer truncated to `modeline-buffer-name-len-max'. This will be displayed in the mode line." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (modeline-propertize (let* ((face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line-buffer-id) (t 'mode-line-inactive))) (name-max (min modeline-buffer-name-len-max (floor (window-width) 2))) (ellipsis (format-mode-line "..." (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'mode-line) ('mode-line-inactive)))) (orig (format-mode-line "%b" face))) (concat (format-mode-line "%[" face) (truncate-string-to-width orig name-max 0 nil ellipsis) (format-mode-line "%]" face))) nil (concat (buffer-file-name) "\n" "mouse-1: ibuffer") mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap)) ;;;; Major mode ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-major-mode () "The major mode to display in the mode line." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (let ((face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode) ('mode-line-inactive)))) (concat (modeline-propertize (format-mode-line '("%m") face) nil "Major mode\nmouse-1: Display major mode menu\nmouse-2: Show help for major mode\nmouse-3: Toggle minor modes" mode-line-major-mode-keymap) (modeline-spc) (modeline-propertize (format-mode-line global-mode-string face)) (modeline-spc)))) ;;;; VCS ;;;###autoload (defvar-local modeline-vcs-str "" "Display the version control system information on the mode line.") ;;;###autoload (defvar modeline-vcs-length-max 12 "The maximum displayed length of the branch name of version control.") ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-update-vcs-str (&rest _) "Update the version control system information to be displayed on the mode line." (let ((bfn (buffer-file-name))) (setq modeline-vcs-str (cond ((and vc-mode bfn) (let* ((backend (vc-backend bfn)) (state (vc-state bfn backend)) (indicator (cond ((memq state '(added edited)) (format-mode-line "* " 'doom-modeline-info)) ((eq state 'needs-merge) (format-mode-line "? " 'doom-modeline-info)) ((eq state 'needs-update) (format-mode-line "! " 'doom-modeline-warning)) ((memq state '(removed conflict unregistered)) (format-mode-line "! " 'doom-modeline-urgent)) (t (format-mode-line "@ " 'doom-modeline-info)))) (str (cond (vc-display-status (substring vc-mode (+ (cond ((eq backend 'Hg) 2) (t 3)) 2))) (t "")))) (concat indicator (propertize (cond ((> (length str) modeline-vcs-length-max) (concat (substring str 0 (- modeline-vcs-length-max 3)) "...")) (t str)) 'face (cond ((eq state 'needs-update) 'doom-modeline-warning) ((memq state '(removed conflict unregistered)) 'doom-modeline-urgent) (t 'doom-modeline-info)))))) (t ""))))) (add-hook 'find-file-hook #'modeline-update-vcs-str) (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'modeline-update-vcs-str) (advice-add #'vc-refresh-state :after #'modeline-update-vcs-str) ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-vc-mode () "Display version control system information on the mode line." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free 'error-free)) (cond ((and (stringp modeline-vcs-str) (not (string= modeline-vcs-str ""))) (concat ;; (modeline-spc) (modeline-propertize (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) modeline-vcs-str) (t (propertize modeline-vcs-str 'face 'mode-line-inactive))) nil (get-text-property 1 'help-echo vc-mode) (get-text-property 1 'local-map vc-mode)) (modeline-spc))))) ;;;; Input method ;;;###autoload (defun modeline-format-input-method () "Display the current input method on the mode line." (cond (current-input-method (concat (modeline-spc) (modeline-propertize (propertize current-input-method-title 'face (cond ((modeline-active-window-p) 'doom-modeline-input-method) (t 'mode-line-inactive))) nil (format "Current input method: %s\nmouse-2: Disable input method\nmouse-3: Describe current input method" current-input-method) mode-line-input-method-map) (modeline-spc)) ) (t ""))) (provide 'modeline) ;;; modeline.el ends here