;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (use-package "bongo" 'bongo (require 'json) (setq bongo-track-mark-icon-file-name nil) (setq volume-electric-mode nil) (setq bongo-default-directory (expand-file-name "~/Desktop/Centre/Musique")) (setq bongo-prefer-library-buffers nil) (setq bongo-insert-whole-directory-trees t) (setq bongo-logo nil) (setq bongo-action-track-icon nil) (setq bongo-display-track-icons nil) (setq bongo-display-track-lengths nil) (setq bongo-display-header-icons nil) (setq bongo-display-playback-mode-indicator t) (setq bongo-display-inline-playback-progress nil) (setq bongo-mark-played-tracks nil) (setq bongo-header-line-mode t) (setq bongo-header-line-function #'bongo-default-header-line-function) (setq bongo-mode-line-indicator-mode nil) (setq bongo-enabled-backends '(mpv)) (setq bongo-seek-electric-mode nil) (setq bongo-custom-backend-matchers '((mpv local-file "webm" "m4a") ;; NOTE ;; For a regular expression as a matcher, it is supposed to ;; be a string, instead of a list of strings. (mpv "https:" . "youtube"))) (setq-default bongo-next-action 'durand-bongo-play-next-or-first) ;; Bongo info path ;;;###autoload (eval-after-load 'info '(cond ((null Info-directory-list) (setq Info-directory-list (append Info-default-directory-list (list (expand-file-name "bongo/" package-dir))))) ((add-to-list 'Info-directory-list (expand-file-name "bongo/" package-dir))))) ;;;###autoload (defvar durand-bongo-music-dir nil "Directories to store my songs. This is used since my music directories used to contain symbolic links.") (setq durand-bongo-music-dir (cons bongo-default-directory (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (file) (cond ((let ((attr (car (file-attributes file)))) (and (stringp attr) (file-directory-p attr))) file))) (directory-files-recursively bongo-default-directory ".*" t nil t))) ;; (cl-loop for file in (directory-files-recursively ;; bongo-default-directory ;; ".*" t nil t) ;; for attr = (car (file-attributes file)) ;; if (and (stringp attr) ;; (file-directory-p attr)) ;; collect attr) )) (define-key global-map (vector ?\C-c ?b) #'bongo) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?n] #'bongo-next-object-line) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?p] #'bongo-previous-object-line) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?j] #'durand-bongo-save-playlist) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [tab] #'bongo-show) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?\C-c ?n] #'durand-bongo-play-next-or-first) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?\C-c ?p] #'durand-bongo-play-previous-or-last) (define-key bongo-dired-library-mode-map [?\C-j] #'durand-bongo-dired-ivy-find-to-add) (define-key bongo-dired-library-mode-map [?\C-c ?n] #'durand-bongo-play-next-or-first) (define-key bongo-dired-library-mode-map [?\C-c ?p] #'durand-bongo-play-previous-or-last) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?\C-d] #'prot/bongo-clear-playlist-and-stop) (define-key bongo-playlist-mode-map [?I] #'durand-bongo-insert-delete-playlist) (define-key bongo-dired-library-mode-map [C-return] #'prot/bongo-library-insert-and-play-random) (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'durand-bongo-dired-library) ;; seek mode map additions (define-key bongo-seek-mode-map [?t] 'bongo-seek-to) ;;; functions ;;;###autoload (defun contrib/bongo-add-dired-files () "Add marked files inside of a Dired buffer to the Bongo library." (interactive) (require 'dired) (let (file-point file files) (dired-map-over-marks (setq file-point (dired-move-to-filename) file (dired-get-filename) files (append files (list file))) nil t) (ignore file-point) (with-current-buffer (bongo-playlist-buffer) (let ((beg (point))) (mapc 'bongo-insert-file files) (bongo-maybe-join-inserted-tracks beg (point)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-dired-library () "Set `bongo-dired-library-mode' when accessing bongo-default-directory. This is meant to be hooked to `dired-mode'. Upon activation, the directory and all its sub-directories become a valid library buffer for Bongo, from where we can, among others, add tracks to playlists. The added benefit is that Dired will continue to behave as normal, making this a superior alternative to a purpose-specific library buffer. Adapted from Protesilaos' dotemacs." (cond ((let ((temp durand-bongo-music-dir) dir found) (while (and (consp temp) (not found)) (setq dir (car temp) temp (cdr temp)) (cond ((file-in-directory-p default-directory dir) (setq found t)))) found) (set (make-local-variable 'bongo-dired-library-mode) 't)))) ;;;###autoload (defun prot/bongo-clear-playlist-and-stop () "Stop playback and clear the entire `bongo' playlist buffer. Contrary to the standard `bongo-erase-buffer', this also removes the currently-playing track. Modified by Durand so that this also runs while not in a bongo buffer." (interactive) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (bongo-stop) (bongo-erase-buffer))) ;;;###autoload (defun prot/bongo-play-random () "Play a random track with `bongo' and set random playback." (interactive) (when (or (bongo-playlist-buffer-p) (bongo-library-buffer-p)) (bongo-play-random) (setf bongo-next-action 'durand-bongo-play-next-or-first) ;; (bongo-random-playback-mode 1) )) ;;;###autoload (defun prot/bongo-library-insert-and-play-random () "Add directory tree or marked items to the `bongo' playlist. Create the playlist buffer if necessary. This is meant to work while inside a `dired' buffer that doubles as a library buffer (see `prot/bongo-dired-library')." (interactive) (when (bongo-library-buffer-p) (unless (bongo-playlist-buffer-p) (bongo-playlist-buffer)) (contrib/bongo-add-dired-files) ;; (prot/bongo-play-random) )) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-insert-delete-playlist () "Insert or delete a `bongo' playlist. The files are stored in a predetermined path inside the Music directory. Upon insertion, playback starts immediately, in accordance with `prot/bongo-play-random'. Adapted from Protesilaos' dotemacs by Durand." (interactive) (let* ((path (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "playlists" bongo-default-directory))) (dotless directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp) (playlist (directory-files path t dotless))) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (bongo-insert-playlist-contents (completing-read "Select playlist: " playlist nil t path)) ;; (ivy-read "Choose a playlist file: " playlist ;; :require-match t ;; :caller 'durand-bongo-insert-delete-playlist ;; :action '(1 ;; ("i" bongo-insert-playlist-contents "insert playlist") ;; ("d" (lambda (file) ;; (delete-file file) ;; (setf (ivy-state-collection ivy-last) ;; (directory-files ;; (file-name-as-directory ;; (expand-file-name ;; "playlists" ;; bongo-default-directory)) ;; t directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp)) ;; (ivy--reset-state ivy-last)) ;; "delete playlist") ;; ("e" find-file "edit"))) ;; (prot/bongo-play-random) ))) ;;;###autoload ;; (defun durand-bongo-dired-ivy-find-to-add () ;; "Use `durand-choose-list' to find files to add to bongo." ;; (interactive) ;; ;; (require 'counsel) ;; (require 'grep) ;; ;; (counsel-require-program find-program) ;; ;; (cl-assert ;; ;; (and (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) ;; ;; (file-in-directory-p default-directory bongo-default-directory))) ;; (let* ((default-directory ;; (cond ;; ((and (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) ;; (file-in-directory-p default-directory bongo-default-directory)) ;; default-directory) ;; (t ;; bongo-default-directory))) ;; (all-files (counsel--find-return-list counsel-file-jump-args)) ;; (base default-directory) ;; (chosen-files (durand-choose-list (mapcar 'list all-files) nil "Choose music to add: " t ;; nil nil t nil t))) ;; (cl-loop for song in chosen-files ;; do ;; (with-bongo-playlist-buffer ;; (bongo-insert-file ;; (file-truename (expand-file-name song base))))) ;; ;; (ivy-read "Choose music to add: " all-files ;; ;; :require-match t ;; ;; :action (lambda (f) ;; ;; (with-current-buffer bongo-default-playlist-buffer-name ;; ;; (bongo-insert-file ;; ;; (file-truename (expand-file-name f base)))))) ;; )) ;; REVIEW: This is oft not overriding the original function, to the effect that ;; the first time bongo starts, this function does not work, and I have to ;; define this function again, in order to play the music. So I decided to make ;; this into an overriding advice. ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-compose-remote-option (socket-file) "Get the command line argument for starting mpv's remote interface at SOCKET-FILE. This has to be fixed for mpv to work, since its argument parsing convention is changed." ;; :override 'bongo-compose-remote-option (when (equal bongo-mpv-remote-option 'unknown) (setq bongo-mpv-remote-option (bongo--mpv-get-remote-option))) (list (concat bongo-mpv-remote-option "=" socket-file))) (advice-add #'bongo-compose-remote-option :override 'durand-bongo-compose-remote-option) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-mpv-player-tick (player) "Only fetch metadata and length of track if not fetched already. Afterwards just stop the annoying timer." (let ((timer (bongo-player-get player 'timer))) (cond ;; ((or (not (bongo-player-running-p player)) ;; (and (bongo-player-get player 'socket) ;; (not (equal (process-status (bongo-player-get player 'socket)) ;; 'open)))) ;; (bongo-mpv-player-stop-timer player)) ((null (bongo-player-total-time player)) (bongo--run-mpv-command player "duration" "get_property" "duration")) ;; ((null (bongo-player-get player 'metadata-fetched)) ;; (bongo--run-mpv-command player "metadata" "get_property" "metadata")) (t (bongo-mpv-player-stop-timer player))))) ;;;###autoload ;; (advice-add #'bongo-mpv-player-tick :override #'durand-bongo-mpv-player-tick) ;;;###autoload (defvar durand-bongo-save-playlist-hist nil "A variable that holds the history values for saving playlist names.") ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-save-playlist () "Save the current playlist into a file." (interactive) (let ((playlist-name (expand-file-name (read-string "Playlist name:" nil 'durand-bongo-save-playlist-hist) (expand-file-name "playlists" bongo-default-directory))) (append-p (y-or-n-p "Append? ")) files end) (with-current-buffer bongo-default-playlist-buffer-name (save-excursion (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-first-track-line) (user-error "No tracks in the playlist!"))) (push (bongo-line-file-name) files) (while (not end) (if-let ((next-pos (bongo-point-at-next-track-line))) (progn (goto-char next-pos) (push (bongo-line-file-name) files)) (setf end t))))) (with-temp-buffer (cl-loop for file in files do (progn (insert file) (newline))) (write-region nil nil playlist-name append-p)))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-next-or-first (&optional n) "Make the next track current in the nearest playlist buffer. If there is no next track, go to the first track. With prefix argument N, skip that many tracks." (interactive "P") (if (bongo-playing-p) (durand-bongo-play-next-or-first n) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (let ((line-move-ignore-invisible nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-current-track-line) (bongo-point-at-first-track-line) (user-error "No tracks in playlist"))) (dotimes (_dummy (prefix-numeric-value n)) (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-next-track-line) (bongo-point-at-first-track-line)))) (bongo-set-current-track-position)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-play-next-or-first (&optional n) "Start playing the next track in the nearest Bongo playlist buffer. If there is no next track to play, signal an error. With numerical prefix argument N, skip that many tracks. With \\[universal-argument] as prefix argument, just switch to \ progressive playback mode. With \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] as prefix argument, \ insert an action track at point." (interactive "P") (cond ((equal n '(16)) (bongo-insert-line 'bongo-action '(bongo-progressive-playback-mode))) ((equal n '(4)) (bongo-progressive-playback-mode)) ((consp n) (user-error "This prefix argument %S is not supported." n)) ((< (prefix-numeric-value n) 0) (durand-bongo-play-previous-or-last (- (prefix-numeric-value n)))) (t (with-imminent-bongo-player-start (bongo-stop) (when bongo-mark-played-tracks (bongo-mark-current-track-line-as-played)) (durand-bongo-next-or-first n) (bongo-start))))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-previous-or-last (&optional n) "Make the previous track current in the nearest playlist buffer. If there is no previous track, go to the last track. With prefix argument N, skip that many tracks." (interactive "p") (if (bongo-playing-p) (durand-bongo-play-previous-or-last n) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (let ((line-move-ignore-invisible nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-current-track-line) (bongo-point-at-last-track-line) (user-error "No tracks in playlist"))) (dotimes (_dummy (prefix-numeric-value n)) (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-previous-track-line) (bongo-point-at-last-track-line)))) (bongo-set-current-track-position)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-play-previous-or-last (&optional n) "Start playing the previous track in the nearest playlist buffer. If there is no previous track to play, play the last track. With numerical prefix argument N, skip that many tracks. With \\[universal-argument] as prefix argument, just switch to \ regressive playback mode. With \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] as prefix argument, \ insert an action track at point." (interactive "P") (cond ((equal n '(16)) (bongo-insert-line 'bongo-action '(bongo-regressive-playback-mode))) ((equal n '(4)) (bongo-regressive-playback-mode)) ((consp n) (user-error "This prefix argument %S is not supported." n)) ((< (prefix-numeric-value n) 0) (durand-bongo-play-next-or-first (- (prefix-numeric-value n)))) (t (with-imminent-bongo-player-start (bongo-stop) (when bongo-mark-played-tracks (bongo-mark-current-track-line-as-played)) (durand-bongo-previous-or-last n) (bongo-start))))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-play-first () "Play the first song." (interactive) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (with-imminent-bongo-player-start (bongo-stop) (when bongo-mark-played-tracks (bongo-mark-current-track-line-as-played)) (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-first-track-line) (prog1 (point) (message "No track in the playlist buffer.")))) (bongo-set-current-track-position) (bongo-start)))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-play-last () "Play the first song." (interactive) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (with-imminent-bongo-player-start (bongo-stop) (when bongo-mark-played-tracks (bongo-mark-current-track-line-as-played)) (goto-char (or (bongo-point-at-last-track-line) (prog1 (point) (message "No track in the playlist buffer.")))) (bongo-set-current-track-position) (bongo-start)))) ;; NOTE: Fix a bug: there is no face called `modeline'; it should be ;; `mode-line'. ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-seek () "Interactively seek in the current Bongo track." ;; :override 'bongo-seek (interactive) (setq bongo-seek-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Bongo Seek*")) (if bongo-seek-electric-mode (unwind-protect (save-window-excursion (require 'electric) (message nil) (let ((garbage-collection-messages nil) (bongo-seeking-electrically t)) (ignore bongo-seeking-electrically) (set-window-buffer (minibuffer-window) bongo-seek-buffer) (select-window (minibuffer-window)) (let ((old-local-map (current-local-map)) (old-global-map (current-global-map))) (use-local-map nil) (use-global-map bongo-seek-mode-map) (setq major-mode 'bongo-seek-mode) (unwind-protect (progn (bongo-seek-redisplay) (run-hooks 'bongo-seek-mode-hook) (catch 'bongo-seek-done (Electric-command-loop 'bongo-seek-done ;; Avoid `noprompt' due to ;; a bug in electric.el. '(lambda () 'noprompt) nil (lambda (_x _y) (bongo-seek-redisplay))))) (use-local-map old-local-map) (use-global-map old-global-map))))) (when bongo-seek-buffer (kill-buffer bongo-seek-buffer) (setq bongo-seek-buffer nil))) (cond ((null (get-buffer-window bongo-seek-buffer)) (let ((window-min-height 2) (split-window-keep-point nil)) (select-window (split-window-vertically (if (and (fboundp 'face-attr-construct) ;; NOTE: bug occurs here. (plist-get (face-attr-construct 'mode-line) :box)) -3 -2))) (switch-to-buffer bongo-seek-buffer))) ((not (eq (current-buffer) bongo-seek-buffer)) (select-window (get-buffer-window bongo-seek-buffer)))) (bongo-seek-mode) ;; NOTE: added by Durand to start always in evil-emacs-state (setq buffer-read-only t) (bongo-seek-redisplay))) (advice-add 'bongo-seek :override #'durand-bongo-seek) ;;; HACK: Redefine a function to go to the bongo-default-directory when no track ;;; is under point. ;;; ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-dired-line (&optional point) "Open a Dired buffer containing the track at POINT. Modified by Durand." ;; :override 'bongo-dired-line (interactive) ;;; NOTE: The body-form inside condition-case is the original function body. (condition-case nil (save-excursion (bongo-goto-point point) (bongo-snap-to-object-line) (dired (file-name-directory (save-excursion (while (bongo-header-line-p) (bongo-down-section)) (if (bongo-local-file-track-line-p) (bongo-line-file-name) (error "No local file track here"))))) (bongo-dired-library-mode 1)) ('error (dired bongo-default-directory)))) (advice-add 'bongo-dired-line :override #'durand-bongo-dired-line) ;;; NOTE: I would like bongo to jump to bongo-playlist-buffer immediately, ;;; otherwise sometimes it jumps to the dired buffer, which is annoying. ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-buffer () "Return the buffer (bongo-playlist-buffer)." (interactive) (bongo-playlist-buffer)) (advice-add #'bongo-buffer :override #'durand-bongo-buffer) ;;; hydra ;; NOTE: I would like to have a hydra to do some basic bongo commands, like go ;; to the next song, or control the volume. ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-next-song (&optional n) "Play the next N song." (interactive "p") (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (durand-bongo-play-next-or-first n))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-previous-song (&optional n) "Play the previous N song." (interactive "p") (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (durand-bongo-play-previous-or-last n))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-seek-anywhere () "A wrapper around `durand-bongo-seek'." (interactive) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (durand-bongo-seek) (setf durand-bongo-hydra-volume-return-p t))) ;;;###autoload (defun bongo-seek-forward-5 (&optional n) "Seek 5 N seconds forward in the currently playing track." (interactive "p") (bongo-seek-forward (* 5 (or n 1)))) ;;;###autoload (defun bongo-seek-backward-5 (&optional n) "Seek 5 N seconds backward in the currently playing track." (interactive "p") (bongo-seek-backward (* 5 (or n 1)))) ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-kill-line () "Kill the currently playing bongo line." (interactive) (with-bongo-playlist-buffer (bongo-recenter) (bongo-kill-line))) ;; NOTE: I would like to stay in my hydra after setting the volume, so I wrote ;; this hacky workaround. ;;;###autoload ;; (defvar durand-bongo-hydra-volume-return-p nil ;; "Whether to return to the hydra after quitting the volume buffer.") ;; ;;;###autoload ;; (defun durand-bongo-volume () ;; "Stay in the hydra after adjusting the volume." ;; (interactive) ;; (volume) ;; (setf durand-bongo-hydra-volume-return-p t)) ;; ;;;###autoload ;; (defadvice! durand-bongo-volume-call-hydra-a (&rest _args) ;; "Call `durand-bongo-hydra/body' if `durand-bongo-hydra-volume-return-p' is non-nil." ;; :after '(volume-quit bongo-seek-quit) ;; (when durand-bongo-hydra-volume-return-p ;; (durand-bongo-hydra/body))) ;; ;;;###autoload ;; (defhydra durand-bongo-hydra (nil ;; nil ;; :hint nil ;; :color blue ;; :pre (setf durand-bongo-hydra-volume-return-p nil)) ;; " ;; _q_: quit _n_: next song _f_ : forward 5 _F_: forward 10 __: show ;; _v_: volume _p_: previous song _b_ : backward 5 _B_: backward 10 ;; _s_: seek _d_: clear _SPC_: pause / resume _<_: first ;; _m_: bongo _i_: insert _I_ : playlist _>_: last ;; " ;; ("q" nil) ;; ("v" durand-bongo-volume) ;; ("s" durand-bongo-seek-anywhere) ;; ("m" bongo) ;; ("n" durand-bongo-next-song :color amaranth) ;; ("p" durand-bongo-previous-song :color amaranth) ;; ("d" prot/bongo-clear-playlist-and-stop :color amaranth) ;; ("i" durand-bongo-dired-ivy-find-to-add :color amaranth) ;; ("f" bongo-seek-forward-5 :color amaranth) ;; ("b" bongo-seek-backward-5 :color amaranth) ;; ("SPC" bongo-pause/resume :color amaranth) ;; ("I" durand-bongo-insert-delete-playlist :color amaranth) ;; ("F" bongo-seek-forward-10 :color amaranth) ;; ("B" bongo-seek-backward-10 :color amaranth) ;; ("<" durand-bongo-play-first :color amaranth) ;; (">" durand-bongo-play-last :color amaranth) ;; ("" bongo-show :color amaranth)) ;; ;;; NOTE: volume-set does not refresh the display, so let's fix that. (defun durand-bongo-refresh-after-set-a (&rest _args) "Refresh the display after we set the volume." ;; :after 'volume-set (volume-redisplay)) (advice-add #'volume-set :after #'durand-bongo-refresh-after-set-a) ;;; Don't insert text in the playlist buffer. ;;;###autoload (defun durand-bongo-default-playlist-buffer-a () "Don't insert text in the playlist buffer." ;; :override #'bongo-default-playlist-buffer (or (get-buffer bongo-default-playlist-buffer-name) (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create bongo-default-playlist-buffer-name))) (prog1 buffer (with-current-buffer buffer (bongo-playlist-mode)))))) (advice-add #'bongo-default-playlist-buffer :override #'durand-bongo-default-playlist-buffer-a) ) (use-package "volume" 'volume (define-key volume-mode-map [?s] #'volume-set))